A Thing of Beauty | Class 12 English Poem 4 | Full Poem Explanation Line by Line | ONLY IN ENGLISH

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If you are looking for a detailed explanation of class 12, Poem - A Thing of Beauty written by - John Keats, then this video is what you were looking for.

Here are the Key Moments of the video 👇

00:00 Intro of the Video
00:42 About the Poet
02:00 About the Poem
02:39 A Thing Of Beauty Lines 1-5 Explanation
03:58 A Thing Of Beauty Lines 6-12 Explanation
05:49 A Thing Of Beauty Lines 13-19 Explanation
07:10 A Thing Of Beauty Lines 20-24 Explanation
08:27 Outro

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Such a beautiful explanation, thank you ma'am


Amazing video! Covers all the important points needed for boards. I wish i had such videos when i gave my board exam. Keep it up EME ❤️


Chapter - A thing of beauty

I had written answers of ncert questions
Plz check
And tell me
If there is any grammatical mistake 🤪
Plz read it whole ☺️don't skip😜

Q1. List the things of beauty mentioned in the poem.

Ans. The things of beauty mentioned in the poem are the sun, the moon, and trees, daffodils, soldiers and small trees who can give shade to the small animals

Q2. List the things that cause suffering and pain

Ans.The things that cause suffering and pain are death of someone, if we are unhealthy or any family member is unhealthy.

Q3. What does the line, " Therefore are we wreathing a flowery band to bind us to earth" suggest to you?

Ans. This line suggest that day by day we want to live futher because we are encircle by love of nature that bind us to earth. There are many beautiful things on earth that bind us such as the sun, the moon, old trees, daffodils, etc.

Q4. What makes human beings love life in spite of troubles and sufferings?

Ans. Beautiful memories make human beings to love their life in spite of troubles and sufferings. There are many good moments in past of everyone by keeping those moments in mind they can move further in spite of troubles and sufferings.

Q6. Do we experience things of beauty only for short moments or do they make a lasting impression on us?

Ans . We experience things of beauty not only for short moments. They make a lasting impression on earth things of beauty always increases. They never end


It is the best explanation in you tube for this poem


maam what does elixir of life refer here ?


Man please explain something in Hindi also
