Numerology : the number 7 personality (if you're born on the 7, 16 or 25)

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Are you born on the 7, 16, 25 ? Are you a number 7 personality ? Did you know that numbers shape our personality traits and psychology ?
The number of the day you were born is having an energy and this energy has an impact on how we behave and what we are. This is the ancient science of numerology. In this episode I will explain the personality traits of people born under the influence of the number seven energy. You are a number seven if your birthdate is on the 7, 16, 25 of the month.




I am a tarot reader and palmist (palm reading, chiromancy) and I provide spiritual guidance based on my deep intuition.

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And one more thing to add as I myself am a #7, we are very very intuitive and always right about it too. And this intuition helps us most when someone is doing us harm or trying to invade our space in any way :). Don't know if all 7's feel this way though.


I am number 7 and Libran. Very true on what all you described about number 7. I find spend time with myself nurturing. I do enjoy company, but after a while need a break from human race.


This video made me realize how powerful numerology is 😭 she’s talking like she lives with me


Very true..Cancer June 25.. I love 100% Independence.. I love to live alone..without marriage..All true!!


This is very true. Feb 16th. Aquarius & a number 7....explains a lot about my personality. I am a Reiki Master and I enjoy spiritual ways of life. Often alone, yet never feel alone. I don't cry often, I cried listening to this.


Omg how accurate is this . I use to think I’m a wierdo for being alone !!!!


You speak in a very beautiful and calming way! I felt like therapy. And you said everything positive. Thank you!!


I feel as if someone has read my heart and narrating it now .


100% accurate. I'm a double 7. I love my own company. It is nice to hear you. Very beautiful way of speaking. Most times people misunderstand me thinking that I am aloof.


Thanks for the reading. I get to hear a lot that I’m cold, detached and feelingless. But somehow I’m so happy being the way I am. I feel complete even with all the incompleteness in my life.


I'm an Aquarius born on 25th and also a life path 9, it's kinda shocking how everything comes together. I try to understand more about myself, after years of struggle I found myself back into spirituality and believe and numerology seems to tell a lot about the universe. I love your content and love to you 😊


You are 100 percent on point. I'd rather read a book, listen to or play music, do research on my work or hobby related stuff all my are awesome.


You are so on point. I swear I'm not lying, I described myself as a touch me not plant in my journal.


May 16th here.
One secret - love being alone but could be social butterfly as well.

When we are alone, NOT because we are LONELY. We are the master of "silence" to recharge energy from this hectic world.

Understand this - don't push it. Let us be what we want to be, just so we will open up our trust and feelings to you.

We are not ignorant or arrogant.
We just love being spending time with our ownself.

When the time is come, we will get back to you with lots of love to offer - even when you don't ask for that.

Sincerely, ❤
Ashura Watanabe


You made my cry. I'm # 7/2/78. Hard time to understand myself. I can be very jovial and helpful. At the same I become very quiet. I'm perfectionist. I have very few close friends. Was married for 13 years to # 3 and divorced. Not happy life. People blame for being quiet and failed in marriage life. Now I'm more quiet and depressed. Number 7 is not easy life.


I’m a 7th born. I try sooo hard to be an extrovert but NO CANT DO!


I'm an aquarius born on feb 7 and this is so true, I related to all of it. Thank you so much for such accurate interpretation! Feels like you've said everything that I am and maybe a bit less but still more.


Love my privacy . Very independent individual . Don’t like any one to invade me. Very social as well. And yes I can be very cold too. can spend time alone all by myself and can spend hours at on the computer .wow. People tell me they can’t really figure me out . They get tired trying to. Lol wow . Thanks Sylvia !! God bless


I'm a Scorpio born on the 7th....and I've always needed alone time...even as a small child. I would retreat to my bedroom and listen to music or even converse with imaginary! I still retreat as an adult, but the imaginary friends are no longer here.


I try to be open with people but always end up being misunderstood which leads to shutting myself out even more. I’m just stuck in this vicious cycle and feel like I’ll end up being by myself for rest of the life.
