Aaaah! 8 Horror Writing Tips That Will Keep Your Readers up at Night

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Would you like to know how to build the kind of horror and suspense into your writing that keeps readers turning pages? In this video, I discuss eight tips for making that happen. Whether you are writing a book in the horror or mystery genres, or simply want to increase the tension in your story, these tips will help you craft fear and engage readers in its most primal, powerful pull.

Here's a brief recap of the tips covered in this video:

1) First, take the time to let your reader get to know your characters. When they are emotionally invested, the fear is more palpable.

2) Second, you should try to establish the familiar.

3) Third, try a little subtle foreshadowing.

4) Fourth, consider pacing.

5) Fifth, you should tap into your reader's imagination.

6) Sixth, suffocate with tight spaces. Many people are born with an innate fear of closed-in spaces.

7) Seventh, think like a child. Children experience fear on a much more visceral level than adults.

8) Eighth, disorient reality. Losing our grasp on reality is a fear within itself.

If you need a character sketch after watching the video, you can download it here:

You can also download the Gotham Character Questionnaire here:

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Рекомендации по теме

Bold of you to assume I’m a good enough writer to be able to effectively use these tips


Gotta admit, the music got me there haha


To 'disassociate from reality' is to focus on writing about the anxiety that the character experiences whenever the character is involved in 'detachment' from reality instead of 'losing' reality. Expressing anxiety can be done by writing in the character's perspective of the perceptive trauma that causes the character to disassociate, primarily by running away from it. So what happens during it? Amnesia, losing personal sense of self boundary, losing grip on the senses, confusion of identity, altered perception, fleeting loss of feelings and losing control over something that keeps sanity intact among others. Focus on the anxiety from experiencing what is familiar becoming foreign to convey effective narrative to the reader.

While we're on the subject, might I know the primary reason for a horror character to come into being in the story?


I cant wait to share my skinwalker horror story. It's just about some guys who go north for there first hunting experience with there friends uncle as a guide but the guide has other plans for them other than hunting a deer.


The rosy cheeks on the ghost are a nice touch.


Very good tips. Thank you!! Love the costumes and background music, too 😂.


I really liked how analogy between cinema and writing is used in this informative video. Thanks !


these tips really helped me on my english assesment! i think i am going to get a high grade


4:40 this was so amazing! HAHA I love creativity like this.


thanks for the tips I really needed those to write a story at school


Thank you for the advice, so far I have 14 different horror story ideas and this video will definitely help scare my audience!


Thank you soo much for this advice! I was really stuck inn my writing and this will help me allot! 😍


Wow. That was actually useful. Thank you a lot!
After watching channels with the same inclination, I was expecting something like "look, this book/movie did this great, do it great too, bye"


Nice background music. Makes the atmosphere chilling and suspenseful. You really went all out! 👏🏽👏🏽


This is actually one of the easiest to follow, I've listened to. Very well done 👏 ✔ so understandable & you even triggered more Thank you 😊


Love the background music. What's the title?


I found your website then this channel. I lately have had no idea on what to write or how I want to write it. i have been aiming mainly on horror so these helped a lot so thank you!!


Love it. I can use a lot of what you suggest.


I do admire horror because it makes for unbelief and fantasy that scares us praying it never become reality like nightmares... the same. I got an idea for an horror book or short story. An old lady who have worked in her library for over 30 years is getting ready to retire. One evening she stays late to close the library while the rest her co-workers leave for the night. As she is closing up she notice an odd glow coming from the end of the row of books that contain the fiction book section. As she walks down the aisle of the book case she notice a new aisle of book's shelves extending further down the aisle as if the building was extend much further than the original design. All the strange new books have different colors some red, yellow, orange, black, and blue. Each book gives off a glow and mist as if the book is telling you to open it and read it. She is about to touch one in curiosity in an instant the moment she blinked her eyes the book disappear and she find herself opening a regular book on the original fiction shelf. All the glow, mist and the mystery book and shelves disappear if it was never there. Tell what you think?


I'm mixing humor and fear. So. Much.
