J.R.R. Tolkien (Author of The Hobbit & The Lord of the Rings) | Why You Should Read

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Mike is going on an adventure to Middle-Earth to discuss what makes J.R.R. Tolkien's stories so special and why you should read it.

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0:00 Introduction & Reading Excerpt
3:28 Background Info
5:12 Why You Should Read Tolkien
20:04 Final Thoughts
Reading excerpt music provided by:
"Scott Buckley - Freedom" is under a Creative Commons license (CC BY 3.0)
#MikesBookReviews #LordOfTheRings #Tolkien
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Hi guys! My apologies about more cuts than usual in this video. In case you missed the post, I was lucky enough to get poison oak on our camping trip and I had to take breaks because of itching haha. Enjoy!


I love Tolkien! He gave us one of the greatest stories ever told!


Reading JRR Tolkien's works make me appreciate the trees each time.


One of the most influential writers, one that we might never see again in our lifetime. Thank you, Tolkien.


So awesome to see the works of J.R.R. Tolkien getting the epic treatment they deserve here on BookTube! Beautiful job with this video, Mike! And of course I’d loooove to chat about The Lord of the Rings with you — name the time!


I first read Lord of the Rings after my dad passed away and its become a comfort since then. A reminder that as dark as things can get there is hope and good things can still come after that.


Hello Mike. I’m a homeschool mom and we just read The Hobbit and are starting The Lord of the Rings trilogy. My high schoolers are loving it. We would love a spoiler talk or discussion about these books. My kids have loved discussing the books so far and looking deeply into their themes. And thank you for keeping most of your content PG, my household appreciates it. Thanks for another fabulous video.


Thank you for making this video. I hope everyone reads Tolkien. My dad read it in the 60’s, then introduced my mom to it when they met. He read the Hobbit to me as a kid then I read the LOTR in middle school in the 90’s. I introduced my wife to it while we were dating and the movies were coming out. Now I’m reading them with my son. They are not perfect books but they are as close as any novel I’ve read and they are a great door to talking about things that really matter in real life.


I would personally like to watch a review of any or all of the Lord of The Rings books that you do, you offer a unique perspective. I have read them all but would still watch.


Back in 2008 I was 10 years old looking through my moms books. I came across a book called The Hobbit. I started reading it and fell in love with the characters and the world and thus my journey into fantasy reading started. JRR Tolkien will always be my favorite author for introducing me to a whole new world.


I reread Tolkien this year starting with Silmarillion and I found it enriched the experience exponentially. It lends context to so many situations and makes many conversations flow easier.


Thank you for this! I never get tired of hearing people talk about Tolkien’s work. I highly doubt any other work will surpass it. Such fond memories of reading The Hobbit and The Lord of the Rings for the first time as a teenager. It’s difficult to relate when I hear complaints about his prose. I find his prose some of the best I’ve ever read. So beautiful! The downside is that that it takes longer to read because I find myself re-reading passages. Sort of like taking a leisurely walk through the countryside.
I am looking forward to your Hobbit review!


My teory is that Tolkien's work endures because it in a way is readen like a saga/the old myths, which have endured in one way or the other for ages. And he did create a whole mythology fir his world too.


Yes please, I would love to see more Tolkien content on the channel.🙂


Sometimes you need to step away from the computer or pause the silly super hero movie and go for a walk in the park. That is what Tolkein offers.
Hopefully people who haven't read the Hobbit won't be disappointed there isn't a love story, covering a dragon in molten gold or the other nonsensical things from those movies.
These were almost require reading by the age of 10 growing up. Several friends had read it multiple times by then. But it was reading the Sil when you realize the depth of the world and and loving care that went into it.
But love them, hate them or somewhere in between, they are the elephant in the room and should be read as their influence on modern books and authors in undeniable.


Another fantastic intro Mike, you knocked this one out of the park. Tolkien would be proud. I last read LotR 20 years ago, I think you've inspired me to do a reread.


Coincidentally, it just so happens that I’m reading LoTR for the first time. It is much better than I expected it to be, but definitely not for everyone. I’m still early in, but I think I prefer the book over the movies. It’s just so rich in lore and it explains many of the inconsistencies of the films.

However, the movies are still excellent and I think they made some changes that were better than the book. I honestly don’t believe the book can be faithfully adapted and have it be watchable.


Beautiful intro 🥲! You nailed this why you should read video, Mike. This is the most universal recommendation you can give a fantasy lover, and I think you'll inspire many to read it and find out why.


Great video Mike, love the epic intros. Tolkien was a genius and I have him to thank for my love of high fantasy literature. He is the definition of a legend.


I reread these books about every 2 years and I love them.I've been doing this since 1969.My English teacher gave a copy and I still have it today. Love your channel.
