Section 14 reparations: Palm Springs city council to consider $500K consultant agreement to ...

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Odd, considering that Mayor Grace Garner told those of us attending a meet-and-greet with her prior to Election Day 2022 that the Section 14 complainants had no case.


Great idea, forget homeless elderly or working taxpayers who are NOW losing their homes/incomes/standard of living thru recession inflation taxes regulations, now asked to pay reparations for some past wrong. I can remember the building of freeways in L.A. where small homes/farms were confiscated bulldozed making way for 5 freeway and Dodgers Stadium, where are their reparations for those poor souls, maybe wrong color they be! If these politicians care so much, why not propose a tax on their incomes, maybe a 10% donation for their causes ~ but don't hold your breath!!


Waste of tax dollars I live in the Bay Area and police drive around in Teslas crazy world we live in 😂
