Στρατιωτική Σύγκριση Ελλάδας Τουρκίας 2022 - Greece VS Turkey 2022 #greece #turkey

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#ελλάδα #τουρκία #σύγκριση #greece #greekarmy #turkey #tourkia #war #greecevsturkey
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Those who don't eat someone else's punch think theirs is a sledgehammer.


Dude, as a Belgian I don't want war. But there are too many mistakes in the video. On the Globalrank site, the number of tanks in Turkey is shown as 5400. In addition, the number of helicopters in Turkey is 800, there are also drones they produce.


If you encounter a disaster such as floods or earthquakes, we Turks will be the first to come to your aid. We are strong, but we never fire the first bullet. Don't fall for America's game. Turks have been fighting terrorism for 40 years.


Υπάρχει ακόμα εθνικισμός αλλά εγώ ως Έλληνας προτιμώ να υπάρχει ειρήνη μεταξύ των δύο λαών. Γιατί στον πόλεμο κανένας δεν είναι νικητή παρά μόνο χαμένος. Ζούμε στο 2022 και υπάρχουν ακομα άνθρωποι που προτιμούν πόλεμο και είναι το τελευταίο πράγμα που θέλουμε

There is still nationalism but as a Greek i prefer peace to exist between the two countries. Because in war there is no winner but loser. We live in 2022 and there are still people who prefer war and thats the least thing we want


Δεν έχουμε να φοβηθούμε τίποτα. Οπότε χρειαστεί είμαστε έτοιμοι να τους αποτελιωσουμε.


Greece is making a very big mistake. The army power can not be measured with how much money you spend, how many planes or tanks you have. The war is not about how many planes you have, it's about how you use them and what is your strategy. Turkey has an active and very professional army for many years plus their war tactics are so amazing that they will hunt the enemy when the enemy is not even waiting. They spend less because they have a very strong defense industry and they produce their own weapons while Greece have to buy them. Turkey has very strong systems and they have iha and siha attack drones (these drones changed he war in Armania and Ukraine). Remember, Turkey does not even use devices with a human inside it. They have the most powerful bomber drones that no systems can catch it in radar. Greece don't count those. For some reason Greek people measure power by only counting planes!


I'm commenting as a Turk. As in the whole world, those who wage war have always been for the interests of politicians and those affected by these wars are always innocent civilians, Turks and Greeks are two similar nations. are brothers. (racism is a mental illness) 🇬🇷🇹🇷


askeri okulda iken ilk mektup arkadaşım yunanlı bir hanım idi. 1982 yılı. o zamanlar ben kültürümüzün ortak olduğunu, sevgi ve dostluk duygularımı yazıyordum. o bana nefret ve kinini yazıyordu. 40 yılda hiç mi değişmez bu toplum.


Θα σας αφήσουν ήσυχους όπως η Δύση άφησε μόνη την Ουκρανία. εμπιστεύεσαι τις ΗΠΑ 😄


Νόμιζα ότι είμαστε περισσότεροι δηλαδή 130.000 άτομα μόνο στρατιωτικού προσωπικού η Ελλάδα έπρεπε να ήτανε τουλάχιστον για μένα κατά τη γνώμη 230 χιλιάδες


Akıllı olun aklınızı alırız 🇹🇷 -Ne mutlu türküm diyene !!


Δεν βαλατε τις fdi και η τουρκια εχει 206 μαχητικα αεροσκαφη.επισης η τουρκια εχει 13 υποβρηχια+6 type 214. Α και τις 4 gowind που θα παρουμε


First of all, you should know that I wrote this in purely good faith. If there is a Turkish-Greek war, you have no chance against Turkey. This war ends with very sad results for the Greek people. The Turkish nation is a born warrior.We have a believing army of 90 million men and women. We are never destroyed. "One of us dies, and a thousand of us are resurrected." We do not have an innate sense of "fear". We have never had this feeling. But I know from my Greek friends that all the people of Greece are in great fear and paranoia. This is a justified fear. But I just have to warn you as an ordinary citizen, make a good decision not to let your politicians send you to your death. We are never afraid of death. Imagine an army on Earth ready for war at any moment and every second. This is the Turkish nation. Let the Greek people rest assured that if we come, we will not be back until we are done. And it won't be long before you're destroyed.. Sorry.


A Greek proverb says; The water is cold but you get used to it once you enter it.


Θα ήθελα να λυθεί το συντομότερο δυνατόν η τουρκοελληνική εχθρότητα Χαιρετισμοί από την Τουρκία 🇹🇷❤️🇬🇷


Ας υπάρξει ειρήνη και αδελφοσύνη, ας μην πολεμήσουν ποτέ οι στρατοί

Barış ve kardeşlik olsun ordular asla savaşmasın 🇬🇷🇬🇷❤🇹🇷🇹🇷


There is absolutely wrong information here. I know you want it to win because it is your own country, but considering the conditions, it seems that Turkey has more power.


Ο κουρδικός λαός στηρίζει την Ελλάδα ❤🇬🇷


Το θέμα είναι ότι έχουμε και τους λαθρεους να πολεμήσουμε που είναι εδώ μην το ξεχνάμε


You forgot: location, allies, allies' location, infrastructure, political instability, tactical knowledge, army's fighting knowledge and many other factors that could change the results of the war
