Twisted Fables Review - Two Twisted Female Fables Fighting

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Twisted Fables is a two player head to head deck building game. A game where you pick a fable from an all female cast, each with their own unique playstyle. As you play, you'll have to counter your opponents playstyle, adjusting your deck building to whatever your opponent is doing. Games will come in at roughly 30-45 minutes per game, with a slow build up and a final escalation.

0:00:00 - Introduction
0:00:56 - Twisted Fables Overview
0:03:08 - What I Liked
0:09:06 - What I Didn't Like
0:12:48 - What I Want More From This Game
0:13:56 - Final Thoughts & Longevity

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Hey Alex. I asked Byron from Dimension Games yesterday about expansions for Twisted Fables. He confirmed to me that there will be LOTS of extra stuff coming for this game. Great news for ongoing replayability.


My GF can't know this game exists. She's a Disney nut and also likes the "Twisted" versions of those stories they explore in some of the books. But I'm a huge deck builder fan. Conflicted. Great review, incredibly informative.


I had a very similar impression of the game as you did, Alex. I think the idea of a deckbuilder + card battler with movement track is really appealing, but there is not much variance. Going even more extreme than you, I'm not even sure if a varied public supply of cards would help that much, because of how bloated the decks become. There is very little trashing in the game (skipping your whole turn to trash isn't worth it that often), and since the twists rely on you digging through your personal supply to find, your forced to bloat your deck up and the actual deck building element does not feel as satisfying.

I would have liked to see an option to REPLACE cards in your deck rather than add, like Guards of Atlantis - a very different game that isn't a deck builder but it has a fixed tech tree that you replace rather than add to.

I agree that the game is fun, in that exploring the different characters and optimizing your character's build order in the context of various matchups etc is a blast, and with a lot of characters I could it taking a while to get dull. But considering the deckbuilding process isn't the biggest appeal, Sakura Arms seems much more promising, as while you don't deckbuild, your deck is fully customizable and you mash up two characters from a much larger cast, and the distance track is also felt much more compelling.


Only recently heard about this game. Seems right up my alley! The late pledge only allows for the deluxe version, so I’ll keep an eye for the retail version. Thanks for the video!


Man... I really like the art on this one but you make some good points regarding this type of game. Realistically it would probably get played a handful of times and then relegated to sitting on the shelf. My shelves already have enough dust protectors. ;)

Thank you for your reviews and analysis of games. It really helps me make decisions and reign in my excitement over each new KS.


You actually got me interested in this. Thanks?


Hi Alex. Thanks for the honest review. I'm currently on the fence with this one but leaning on said fence to getting it. The only thing that I can't seem to find anywhere (I even messaged the developers through Kickstarter without getting a response) is that can this game be played solo? I heard a rumour about a boss battle version that would be solo, revealed at the end of the campaign.


I'd love to hear what you think about Sakura Arms compared to Twisted Fables. It's pretty crazy that Twisted Fables, Knock Down, and Sakura Arms are all live right now on Kickstarter.


Is this a game you still have in your collection ? Thanks !


Would really appreciate a knockdown review in which you can talk about the difference between these 2. I like these games but it seems like this one requires some knowledge of the game and the more experienced player will always win whereas knockdown is more of a filler and isn't as complex but eaiser to hit the table with my wife who doesn't play games


I understand that there are two way to play with relic or without, correct? Which mode is better? I like the art and the components but 1vs1 is also not my style


Art is awesome but the gameplay sounds convoluted and anti-thematic to me. It sounds more like a dance than a fight.

How can deck building fit thematically in a fight? Are they warming up, stretching, so they can do better moves? Are they rusty and remembering their training as time passes, bit by bit?


So it is kind of "pre-built" deck building game, you can not build as much as you like, but generally in the three "pre-built" way, which make it easier to start but less to explore..


Oh, another deck-builder... Does it do anything more than Shards of Infinity, or does it simply copy all its mechanisms and those of its predecessors like Dominion, Ascension, Hero Realms, Aeon's End, Clank!, and a quadrillion more whose name no one cares about?


I thought my family might really like this, especially my 3 daughters and my wife, and so far I have as right. They all think it’s cool.

But, in updates 8, 9, and 10 I noticed the picture of the ‘Little Mermaid’, ‘Match Girl, and even ‘Dorothy’ had some very sexualized poses. This is very troubling to me. All the videos and everything I’ve seen on the cards looked fine to me, until I saw these updates with their pictures.

Where will those pictures be used? Will they be part of the cards, a special upgrade, or the art book? If that art is part of the main game, I’m going to have to pass on this game. 😒
