An update from home!

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Thank You Michael!! Praying for your Family!!! Your Worship is Fuel for our Tanks!! So we can run the Race and Go the Distance ❤🕊🙏🏻🙏🏻🙏🏻 God Bless!!


Dear Father, bless and anoint your servant Michael Smith with divine strength and revelation as he works on all his projects and tours. Let this one be extraordinary. Amen🙏


Great shamrock ☘️ M.W.S. I was born on St.Patricks day. Thanks thanks thanks for sharing your truth on T.B.N. that so saved my heart over my brother and niece who we lost but pray she is in heaven 🙏. I'm adopted & hopefully I can still feel like the lucky 1.. Love you & Amy Grant


I wanted to understand everything but just a few things pastor, a big hug to your church..God bless you 🙏🙏🖐️🙋🇧🇷🇧🇷🇧🇷🇧🇷


I was there on June 20th in Lisbon
It was a blessing for me to hear you live for the first time. You were and always will be one of my favorite gospel pastors and my daughter and I love you very much, in fact it was she who got me the ticket so I could go and have my souvenir. It's a dream come true and I'm grateful to God for this opportunity and to you Micheal, for coming to Lisbon.
I grew up listening to your songs and so did my daughter 😊 so you can imagine my emotion 👏🏾👏🏾👏🏾🙌🏾❤️🙏🏾 Thank you Jesus.


Thanks Michael saw you Saturday in Glasgow the praises and worship was amazing my heavenly FATHER has blessed you with a phenomenal voice I was just saying to the Lord two night before in prayer Lord I’d love to go see Michael Smith singing I new I was going to see Franklin Graham but didn’t know you were going so finished my prayer the next day it came over the tv that you would be there I cried and said thank you Lord your so faithful his promises he gives use the desires of our harts Jesus saved me four years ago from hanging my self I was a smack addict for 39 years and decided that night I was going to end my life the way my brother done it he was 21 years old so I looked up to put the rope on the light fitting I could her voice’s in my head telling me to hurry and jump I now no it was the devil he was shaming me in my mind but I dropped to my knees and cried Lord Jesus meeee his presence entered my room he projected a supernatural screen out he showed me my life from a child until that moment I had felt so alone but he was showing me I believe I’ve been with you all the time you’ve never been alone I’ve always been with you and always will Jesus delivered me that night I’m clean 5 years coming my Lord and saviour king Jesus gave me the strength to come of smack coke methadone cigarettes and through breast cancer all at the same time he’s the best thing that’s ever happened to me he’s totally restored me gave me back my family especially my little daughter she would hide in the streets from me she was so embarrassed of me now she runs in to my arms she’s 31 ppl he’s real he’s really real I’m FREE REDEEMED BORN AGAIN thank you HEAVENLY FATHER for sending your only begotten son JESUS OF NAZARETH THE ALFA OMEGA


Ich liebe ihre Musik
Schon wo ich noch einiges jünger war wie heute.ihre Musik macht Freude gibt Trost in meiner so traurigen Zeit die ich gerade habe.🖤🕯🌹
Bleiben sie u.ihre Familie gesund das wünsche ich ihnen von ❤en. Liebe Grüße aus Deutschland.


Michael, I've always been a fan of your music. So inspirational and motivational


Home sweet home, so happy for you and your family, excited to hear new songs!❤


Welcome home. I hope you come to Michigan this year.😁


Bless Mr Smith is a plesure to hear you, from Costa Rica


Your performance in Scotland was lit. You performed all my favourite songs✅💯💃💚


PLEASE came back to Portugal. We love u much. 🤩🤩🤩🤩🤩🤩🫶🫶🫶
MAY GOD BLESS U 💙💙💙💙💙💙💙💙💙💙💙💙💙💙💙💙💙💙💙


Hi Micheal...please come again to South Africa❤😊


Michael, Thank You for sharing your beautiful gift with us All.


Praise our good God. He is still using you, that's so good. God bless you immensely ❤


That sounds awesome... God bless you and your family.


Í blessed God for your Life and ministry Sir.


Real Good to here fm you.
An praise the Lord Jesus, Hallelujah, Hallelujah, ❤ Glad your home safe an sound. And enjoying Yr time in the studio, An God bless you an Yr Family 👪❤,
Love in Jesus Most Might an Holy Precious Name ❤🙏xxxx
Would be Good to know when Yr in England Manchester 🇬🇧.
Love to you an Yr Family 👪❤ x in thee Most Might an Bountiful Holy Name of our Lord Jesus 💖
Amen An Amen 🙏❤ xxxx
Fm Tom UK 🇬🇧♥ x


Welcome back to the States Michael W.!
