What is the Best Surround Speaker for Dolby Atmos?

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After watching several movies 😁, I discuss which speaker type is best for Dolby Atmos and DTS:X surround.
#dolbyatmos #surroundspeaker #hometheater
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0:00 Intro
1:05 What is Atmos?
4:46 Test Movies
5:26 The Test Speakers
6:45 No Time To Die
9:16 A Quiet Place
9:54 Good, Better, Best
10:17 Dolby's Recommended Speaker
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This is the best explanation I have EVER heard about this. Man, superbly done. Absolute professional level. Thanks, Cody.


I love how you described this with the little theater, great idea


I have been pondering on this subject for a long long time when i was trying to upgrade my surround speakers, so it is great to see someone finally does a review on this subject! Kudos to you!


As a 53 yr old just coming into the 21st audio century, this was a simple, direct and informative video, great job sir, cheers from east coast Canada.


Between the Amazing Spider Man #153 and Ultimate Iron Man #1 covers, to the Lego setup, to the actual advice this is one of my favorite videos on this channel.


I don’t usually make comments, but this was an excellent presentation. I first started using surround systems with the television more than 30 years ago when my “big screen” was a 27 inch crt. It added great dimension. Of course, I upgraded televisions and receivers over the years, but replaced speakers only when necessary, choosing to repair my front JBL’s several years ago. With today’s large and relatively inexpensive high resolution screens we can enjoy a more theater like experience even without a dedicated theater room, such as a family room. I have been more recently reinfected with the home theater bug and have been attempting to improve my viewing experience in my open family room environment. I have watched many videos on home theater setups in dedicated and nondedicated environments and the separate various aspects. But none on this topic! And I have been interested in learning about dipole speakers. Your video really helped. But, I would really like to know when it would be beneficial to use the dipole speakers. I don’t like to make purchases only to later realize there was a better option. Could you revisit this topic to explain when the listening environment would benefit from dipole speakers?


This is probably one of the best "take it to basics" videos I have seen in a long time. Great job! How about doing a follow up compare between in ceiling speakers and dedicated height speakers (wedged shaped speakers that are popping up all over the place). Can both be used for DTX and Atmos? What are the pros and cons. Keep up the good work!


I very like the way you show the information in your videos, clear and just to the point 👌👌


Hey brother. Thank you for continually posting these informative videos. Your calm demeanor and eloquence in speech makes it really easy to comprehend such a subject that would seemingly be confusing or difficult to pay attention to due to its complexity in natural. Again, your time, knowledge and support in the community is much appreciated.


Dipole & tripole speakers are best used as surrounds IF you have only have one set of (side) surrounds and you have two rows of seating. It's always ideal to have monopole speakers though.


Thinking outside the box on good content and what’s actually important to viewers with regards to set up, we all know what’s ideal or what Dolby suggest but it’s a superb video that gives us an insight in real world what the differences could be in like with the various options on offer.
Thanks for taking the time to do this one, extremely informative and a brilliant watch!


I have bipole speakers as my surround in my atmos setup, and I absolutely love it. The surround effects are much more realistic in my opinion than when I had directional speakers.


I just love listening to your story time calm voice. And You are as always very informative and easy to understand.


Great video.I personally use the Klipsch dipole only because I am sitting so close to my surround speakers and it helps to not blare directly in my ear. Otherwise I would probably use the direct radiating one.


Dolby and DTS do not recommend true dipole surround speakers for their immersive sound formats, as they smear the sound stage too much. If you are sitting about four feet or less from your base layer surrounds, then bipole surrounds are recommended to lessen hot spotting where you get too direct a point of sound firing toward your ears. If you happen to have a wider and/or longer room, then traditional monopole speakers are potentially the better choice. Your speakers should be timbre matched as closely as possible around the room for a more seamless experience.


I sold my Boston Acoustics Dipoles for Klipsch RB-51ii Bookshelf Speakers, and the directional experience was a definite improvement, thanks for the validation, Cody.


Fantastic tutorial!..You are so RIGHT!! ...I had the Klipsch Dipole speakers with my Atmos setup for years and just switched to direct radiating speakers and WOW!!...unbelievable difference....I was missing so much!
Thanks Again for the tutorial ...I just became a Subscriber...Good Luck on the channel!


Wow thats a very helpful video. Ive always liked my bipole/dipoles, but i dont use them in my atmos system. Its good to know the monopole really is better for atmos. Thanks for doing and sharing this experiment, along with your other videos!
Also, block demonstration was a good idea when you explained how heights/phantom speakers work in atmos.


Good video. I went with bipole speakers for my rear speakers in my 5.1.4 setup. For two reasons: rear speakers are only 1 foot behind the listening position and 1 foot above. So a more dispersed sound is better cause of the close proximity. Also, I got a cheap pair on sale. Sounds very good. I haven't heard any other speakers. No idea how others would sound in my room


I love watching your videos. And I don’t know why I feel the need to comment every time and compliment each video, but they really are on another level compared to other home theater channels.

Thank you again for the quality content!
