C program to calculate GCD of two numbers using for loop and if statement

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Hey my beautiful and handsome soul's ❤️🫂.

In this video we will learn c program to find GCD using for loop and if statement.

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#coding_short_video #greatestcommondivisor #cprogramtofindLCM #gcd
coding short video
#youtubeviral #codewithsubhasmita

Program by subhasmita jena.
code with subhasmita

❤️Subhasmita Jena💚


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#gcdoftwonumbersinc #cprogramtofindgcdoftwonumbersusingrecursion #Programofgreatestcommondivisorwithrecursion
Recursion definition, recursion example
This video contains GCD of 2 numbers using for loop and if statement.

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What output in case of one number is zero ???


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