How to Rework Symmetra into a Healer v2

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Dude, well done. This kit sounds so fluid. Noodle beam to lock down ninnies in 1v1s, piercing orbs for a good option against groups of enemies, low consistent heals with turrets combined with a quick burst in photon shields and finally a tweaked yaheeba for more utility to better fit in as a support. 10/10 rework. Would love to play this Sym. F for the dead tanks. 😔


Perfect Concepts all going to be rejected by Blizzard...😔


Great rework! I would love to play myself. If I were to nitpick something it would be the damage turrets. You can only have 2 of them so they might as well have a short reveal for the entire team to lean more into them beeing scouting turrets or to increase their damage to somewhere betwen 40-55. Great job with this one.


Can’t see it happening quite like this as blizzard have removed pretty much all over heals (increasing base health) and the dps community would go berserk with their “no aim no brain” cries from before. I like the rest though and our girl should be back in support!


I like this rework, but she might be even weaker to Sombra emp.


I have an idea on how Symmetra can have mobility.

It will function like Baptiste's (Exo-Boots) and Moira's (Fade). This would be Symmetra's Passive along with the Enhanced Shields.

You will need to charge it by long pressing the "Crouch" button (Like the Baptiste Exo-Boots), and after you charged it, you will need to press space "Crouch + Space" then it will give you extra movement speed (Like Moira's Fade), but unlike Moira's fade that will turn into ashes. Symmetra would become a part of hard light. Simple Explanation, you long press the crouch button to charge then press space in order to become a "hard light" and go back being Symmetra again. REMEMBER THIS WILL FUNCTION LIKE MOIRA'S FADE BUT THE CHARGING OF THE PASSIVE IS LIKE BAPTISTE EXO-BOOTS..

If you will say "Why does Symmetra has 2 Passives?" well Mercy has too..

Please comment if you understand it or have better idea incoming of Symmetra mobility :)


Support sym rework that let’s her heal and help counter CC

So I have some ideas in regards to reworking sym into a support. But note that I am fine with her being a dps or tank. Just as long as she has a defined role.

1.) Turrets- Sym will now have access to 6 turrets. When she presses the button for the turrets she’ll have 2 options. 1 being the damage and the other being healing turrets. I’d say that the healing turrets should heal for around maybe 15 healing per sec just because it’d be a bit much to have them heal for a lot. I’d also the damage turrets show the character that is being damaged by them. I’d also have the turrets no longer have the slow purely because their annoying to deal with and she will be having more turrets. This will cause the sym player to have to chose carefully and will change depending on the situation.

2.) Photon projector(gun)- For the photon projector I’d have to change it so that she does have the ability to heal her teammates. I’d change her secondary fire so that it’s now a healing orb that just like the old orb deals splash healing and the amount of healing that it does is dependent on how long the player charged it. I’d also would like it’s piercing effect to come back which could make it a very unique part of her kit.I don’t know if it should be like anas weapon where if it hits a teammate it heals them and if it hits an opponent it deals damage. That’s left to whoever wants to participate in this little idea. For the primary shell obviously deal less damage. I thought about allowing it to pierce opponents at the cost of less range and for it to charge up quicker but that may not be needed. Overall the orb one is merely to allow her to have a way of healing with also the requirement to have to aim.

3.) Teleporter- I”d have the teleporter deploy quicker so as to allow the player to help their team get out of situations better such as a Zarya grav. If possible I’d also have it either have a full cleanse or at the very least lessen the effects of a move like ash’s dynamite. I’d also want it’s cool off to be like sombras translocator to start off when it’s used. I want teleporter to be used more and more creatively rather than a get out of spawn quicker move. I wouldn’t really change the cool down maybe increase it if the cool down starts once it’s used but that might not be needed.

4.) Ult- The one thing I liked about old sym was how unlike other characters she had more than 1 option when it came to ults. I want to keep that but I will not have the shield gen come up because I know that most players found that frustrating and I think we can replace it with something better. I’d keep her barrier ult merely because it is useful, I’d add her old 1.0 teleporter because it can be used in certain situations. And I’d add another contraption called an anti cc generator. The purpose is to weaken the effects of cc. Think of it being a mini fortify without the damage reduction. Another idea could be sym creating a protection construct. This would create a sort of one time bubble that would last for only one attack that is inflicted upon the user (sort of a zarya bubble).It does not give sym any real charge. However, it can be used to sort of block an attack and protect her teammates. Of course, it’s very situational but just like sym it can be used in varying situations and help out her team. And also the bubble is a one time thing just to repeat once it’s gone sym will need to use the ult again in order for a teammate to get a new one. And let’s not forget that it does not give her charge and it only lasts for one attack. I feel as though if it were similar to zarya then it’d get rid of part of her identity. I’d certainly be fine with other ideas I just want her to have more options given how she is know for utility.

5.)General- These changes are more meant for sym herself and none of her abilities. I’d give sym maybe 25 or 50 more shields. Which would equal to either 225 or 250 health. This is just meant to help her since she does have low survivability. I’d also give her a passive. I heard one where she gets a small amount of shields if she uses her primary fire on shields. That sounds fine but I’m open to other ideas.

Overall, the reason I’m doing this is because I believe a character like sym should be reworked given how she is a hero that struggles to have a place in the game. She’s a mismatch of other roles and I just want her to have a place in a role and fits in it well. And I’d think it’d be healthy to have another support. But I’d be fine to have her still be a dps or even a tank. Just as long as she has a defined role.


When ever I make a rework everyone says its op ;(


Symmetra 1.0 could put shields on people


The concept is cool but the devs found that their version of symm healer didn't do enough healing and they want her to have another ability to heal her allies and not only the turrets.


What’s the gameplay in the background?
I’m noticing symmetra hands and a g7scout from apex legends


I would just let her have shiled gen as a ult


My one question is wouldnt this be more defense favoured?


Sick of the wrong characters getting buffed/nerfed/rework. I miss torbs level 3 turret, his jizz ult is stupid and until it hits the floor its useless, there's no damage when shot at people. Syms teleport should give people shield/hp when used. It cant be a coincident that alot of characters are played more then others i.e sym low pick rate unless its qp which people use to throw games


hey dude I love this rework but theres one think I dont like you removing the teleporter


I like this idea for the most part but she doesn't have to or sheild gen which are iconic, I think her ult should be like a healing station like her to and sheild gen it's just has a huge range and heals constantly at like 50 hps for 15 seconds and can be destroyed


sorry, symmetra without teleport is not symmetra


I just don’t stan healing turrets at all


without offending anyone, but I find that any idea regarding the total elimination of the TP indicates that you are not really fond of Symmetra and her concept. Her concept is a tribute to portal, it cannot be eliminated as one would never accept a mercy that can't resurrect or a reinhardt that can't uses the shield.

rather, it makes sense to claim a new Hero, an heir to the supporting shield, just as brigitte inherited the armor ability from torbjorn.

I hope you take into consideration the actual passion for this character or whether it is appropriate to invest in a future hero, because Symmetra is not Symmetra without TP.
