Extreme Music - Hold On (Lyrics) 'Oh hold on Just one more day Hold onYou know you'll find a way'

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[Verse 1]
You've been on this road too long
Hearing music but it's not your song
Wanna scream but your voice is gone
Days trapped inside your head

[Verse 2]
Can't look up cause your world is down
Walking miles staring at the ground
All alone inside the crowd
Letting pockets hold your hand

But the sun is always there to shine
The clouds block out the sky

Oh hold on
Just one more day
Hold on
You know you'll find a way
Hold on
You've got stars in your eyes
So let's paint the sky

Oh hold on
Just one more time
Hold on
I'll be your reason why
Hold on
You've got stars in your eyes
So let's paint the sky
So let's paint the sky

[Verse 3]
It's time to start remembering dreams
Lift your eyes see the things unseen
Remember who you wanna be
Let the light hit your eyes

[Verse 4]
Let out the beauty that's been trapped inside
Let them know that you're not gonna hide
Hey up there your arms open wide
Spread your wings and fly

But the sun is always there to shine
The clouds don't own the sky

Oh hold on
Just one more day
Hold on
You know you'll find a way
Hold on
You've got stars in your eyes
So let's paint the sky

Oh hold on
Just one more time
Hold on
I'll be your reason why
Hold on
You've got stars in your eyes
So let's paint the sky

Oooh oh oh oh
Oooh oh oh oh
Oooh oh oh oh
Oooh oh oh oh
Oooh oh oh oh
Oooh oh oh oh
Oooh oh oh oh

Hold on
Hold on
Hold on
You've got stars in your eyes
So let's paint the sky

Oh hold on
Just one more day
Hold on
You know you'll find a way
Hold on
You've got stars in your eyes
So let's paint the sky

Oh hold on
Just one more time
Hold on
I'll be your reason why
Hold on
You've got stars in your eyes
So let's paint the sky

Oh hold on, Oh hold on, Oh hold on
You've got stars in your eyes
So let's paint the sky

Oh hold on, Oh hold on, Oh hold on
You've got stars in your eyes
So let's paint the sky
So let's paint the sky


#ExtremeMusic #HoldOn #TikTokSong
Рекомендации по теме

I struggle with severe depression, and anxiety and this song just makes me feel like I have someone there for me and my best friend sang this to me when I was on the edge of ending everything.


This speaks to me in a different way. Recently I took a pretty serious decision which is going to determine a huge part of my life. And I'm currently sacrificing lots of my previous casualties and comforts in order to succeed. My days have been passing like wind through my fingers and I'm trying to keep up with time while exhausting myself and trying to keep my parents satisfied at the same time. I still don't know where I find the strength to fulfill all my duties and stay healthy both mentally and physically. Though my body often lets me down and I find myself sick out of exhaustion. Or sometimes I just want to scream and cry an cry. But this is my fight to become the person I've been dreaming of my whole life and never found the courage to. And at the end of the day I'm happy. I'm happy with what I've managed so far, I'm proud of myself and for finding the strength and courage to keep going. And there's nobody and nothing that can stop me now apart from myself. And I'm going to fucking hold on to it

Edit: Ssoo.. I see lots of people saw this. I have to thank all of you for your support, I didn't expect it at all.. Honestly though, it's not something too big that I'm trying to achieve.. So reveal time, my goal is to go to art school. Yeah, nothing big or fancy.. It's my passion and my parents had been negative about it and never really allowed me to even think about it. But now it's happening, my parents have come to accept it and it's quite a big deal for me. When I heard that song I was away from home for a long time and I was extremely lonely and sad and tried to focus only on my goal. I guess that's why this song touched me and why my comment is so over dramatic. I'm a small drama queen, forgive me. But yeah, I'm better now. Time has passed since I wrote the comment and things have changed for the better

Second edit: when I pass the exams and get into art school (because I WILL do it) I'll let you all know


This song is what’s keeping me alive rn.


I love songs not because they make me feel better but make me feel darker, sad, depressed. I just wanna be an EMO sometimes....I love songs like this


This song just makes me feel like I have someone there for me and my best friend sang this to me when I was on the edge of ending everything. I've been through many things in a short amount of time and now i feel like I have a little more to live for


it’s pretty sad when YouTube recommendations know you better than your family.


This song really hits different now that I’ve lost my grandmother.

I used to listen to this back when she was in the hospital. She had suffered a stroke in her appartement and was rushed to the hospital. Whenever I came to visit her she never recognised me anymore (which hurt like hell since she raised me pretty much my whole life).

My only comfort at night was listening to this song. I tried to stay strong, I tried to believe that she would push through it. I am not a religious person at all, yet I prayed every single night.

I can’t even begin to tell you how much it hurt when my father got a phone call from my mother saying that my grandmother had passed away. I used to be an overall positive person, but when he broke the news to me, all the colour of my life faded away.

My grandmother was my world…


POV: you searched so many words just to get to this song


hello, thank you for deciding to read this. please know that you are worth it. anything you’re going through, it may be hard right now i understand. you will get through it. please don’t give up. so many people care for you. it may be hard to believe but just saying “i’m going to make it get through it” helped me so much. i was in a situation with an abusive drug addict father. if you ever need to talk to me, i’m always on my phone so i can talk to anyone :) . please don’t sh, starve yourself or anything else / worse. please know how much i care for you. please don’t give up yet. actually, just DON’T give up! i love you so much. if you are fine and just trying to help a friend out and see signs of committing etc read this. suicide warning signs: hopelessness, sleep problems, sudden calmness, withdrawal, changes in personality / appearance, dangerous or self harmful behavior, recent trauma or life crisis. there is more, if you have any please reply to this and i will add it onto here.


My papa just passed from suicide and it had been really hard for me I wish he would have just heard this song😔


This song hits so hard. It feels like it’s being sang to me. Idk it’s kinda weird 🤷‍♀️ 😔


I've been feeling depressed for the past months because i kept getting bullied at school, but ever since i've listened to this song, i feel like i just hae to hold on for school to end and then everythings over, so im currently holding on to the faith i have, thank you for posting this song and changing my life!


This song really helps me with my motivation to study, when i feel less than others. This song evokes my realization of what am i capable to do to feel more and more about anything in the positive side. Im glad i found this song, thank you to my senior who post this to her igs


I know im a month late but, I lost someone very important to me, actually, 7 very important people in my life. ever since then, I have been very very depressed, and its not fun. I struggle with severe depression, and anxiety. This is gonna be the first day i listen to this, up until the day I die. It means more than a song to me, it keeps me alive. I have sibling/parent problems right now and that doesnt help either. so please, to everyone who thinks suicide is your way out, hold on, keep going! I love you and i dont even know you! keep going, and remember, suicide is not your way out!


this song is so sad especially after all of those sad hp edits


Me totally did not search 'hold on just one more time'


I don't know how much longer I can hold on


Anyone else not think of this song as sad but as an inspiration to follow their dreams


When they did this for Dance Moms 😭😭😭😭😭😭😭


First time I heard this was from dance moms .. I’ll never have enough thanks for that episode, and the dance was so raw and unreal ❤️
