ICT Silver Bullet Strategie | Tutorial deutsch
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In diesem Video möchte ich dir eine weitere Strategie von ICT (Inner Circle Trader) vorstellen. Es handelt sich dabei um die "Silver Bullet Strategie". Eine relativ simple Strategie die sich sowohl für Anfänger als auch Fortgeschrittene Trader eignet. Damit du dich nicht durch stundenlange Videos auf englisch wälzen musst versuche ich das ganze für dich kurz und prägnant auf deutsch. Wenn du mehr Videos dieser Art sehen möchtest, lass es mich gerne in den Kommentaren wissen!
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📜 Risikohinweis/Haftungsausschluss:
Keine Anlageberatung im Sinne des WpHG
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FX Trading Risk Disclaimer
Trading in foreign exchange (“Forex”) on margins entails high risk and is not suitable for all investors. Past performance is not an indication of future results. In this case, as well, the high degree of leverage can act both against you and for you. Before you decide to invest in foreign exchange, you should carefully assess your investment objectives, experience, financial possibilities and willingness to take risks. There is a possibility that you will lose your initial investment partially or completely. Therefore, you should not invest any funds that you cannot afford to completely lose in a worst-case scenario. You should also be aware of all the risks associated with foreign exchange trading and contact an independent financial advisor in case of doubt.
Leverage enables traders, using a relatively small amount of money, to take a position that is many times the initial investment. This leverage effect can work both in your favour and to your detriment. The Forex market opens up the possibility to utilize this leverage effect to a high degree; at the same time, however, it also opens up the risk of experiencing high losses. Please trade with caution when you use leverage in trading or investing. Your risk is particularly not limited to the initial investment, but can quickly fall into a negative range in the event of strong movements, meaning you may be obligated to pay far more than your initial wager.
🏦Krypto BROKER
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📜 Risikohinweis/Haftungsausschluss:
Keine Anlageberatung im Sinne des WpHG
Sämtliche Inhalte dienen einzig der Information und Unterhaltung und spiegeln ausschließlich meine subjektive, persönliche Meinung wider. Zuschauer sind ausdrücklich aufgefordert, sich zu den Inhalten eine eigene Meinung zu bilden und ggf. professionelle Beratung aufzusuchen. Mit den Sternchen (*) gekennzeichneten Links sind affiliate Links mit denen du diesen Kanal unterstützen kannst.
FX Trading Risk Disclaimer
Trading in foreign exchange (“Forex”) on margins entails high risk and is not suitable for all investors. Past performance is not an indication of future results. In this case, as well, the high degree of leverage can act both against you and for you. Before you decide to invest in foreign exchange, you should carefully assess your investment objectives, experience, financial possibilities and willingness to take risks. There is a possibility that you will lose your initial investment partially or completely. Therefore, you should not invest any funds that you cannot afford to completely lose in a worst-case scenario. You should also be aware of all the risks associated with foreign exchange trading and contact an independent financial advisor in case of doubt.
Leverage enables traders, using a relatively small amount of money, to take a position that is many times the initial investment. This leverage effect can work both in your favour and to your detriment. The Forex market opens up the possibility to utilize this leverage effect to a high degree; at the same time, however, it also opens up the risk of experiencing high losses. Please trade with caution when you use leverage in trading or investing. Your risk is particularly not limited to the initial investment, but can quickly fall into a negative range in the event of strong movements, meaning you may be obligated to pay far more than your initial wager.