Destiny 2 - Gjallarfoam - Weapon Ornament for Gjallarhorn (Exotic Rocket Launcher) | NERF Blaster

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A showcase of the NERF-themed weapon ornament 'Gjallarfoam' for the exotic rocket launcher 'Gjallarhorn' from Destiny 2. This video features a side-by-side comparison of this weapon ornament (skin) with the default weapon model. This is the in-game version of this NERF LMTD Gjallarhorn blaster which is a real-life weapon replica available for purchase.
'Gjallarhorn' is a Power weapon that deals Solar damage and uses Heavy ammo. It was introduced in Season 15 (Lost) of Destiny 2: Beyond Light in 2021.
The 'Gjallarfoam' ornament for Gjallarhorn was introduced in Season 19 (Seraph) of Destiny 2: The Witch Queen in 2022.
It can be obtained by purchasing the NERF LMTD Destiny Gjallarhorn Blaster from Bungie's store. It can also be purchased from the in-game Eververse store for 900 Silver.
0:00 Preview screens
0:03 Hip-fire
0:09 Reload
0:13 Aim Down Sights
0:22 Reload
0:26 Reloads (fullscreen)
0:34 ADS comparison (fullscreen)
0:38 Holstered
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Destiny 2 is a free-to-play online-only multiplayer first-person shooter video game developed by Bungie.
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