An Extraordinary Standoff & Approach Between a Hippo and the Elephants!

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An out-of-this-world standoff and approach between a hippo and the elephant herd! Sebakwe unsettles the hippo as he drinks from the dam and it seems the lone hippo is in a mood to assert his weight and power today. But Sebakwe has the support of his whole herd never mind size and huge tusks on his side! And the hippo soon realises and retreats, but not before putting on a big show of bravery! Khanyisa and Bubi follow up with fun and games in the water 💦
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Wow! That standoff was magnificent! I love it when the elephants trumpet. So grandiose!!!


Mr. Hippo thought Sebakwe was the Lone Ranger(not that the boy needs anyone to back him up)it’s just 2 Warriors sizing each other up, an incredible standoff indeed!! Little did the hippo realize Sebakwe has an entire army behind him that will not hesitate to step up when necessary, dominant bull or not!! Those last few minutes of this video put a smile on my face our Braveheart playing with Tia(auntie)Bubi, she truly loves that Miesiekind so much just as we all do, their bond is one I have always loved watching flourish from day one.☀️🐘💦🦛🩷🩶


“One shall stand, one shall fall”

That hippo has guts, he’s lucky he gets to keep them today


Thank you Owen for catching this fantastic footage! Watching and listening to Sebakwe give orders to Somopane, who backs everyone up. A great moment of leadership by Sebakwe. He gave that daring young? hippo choices, but hippo chose wrong, and when Sebakwe backs up, the troops move in defensively, surrounding the dam edge with particular note to Pisa, Zindoga, Jabu and Mambo trumpeting and shaking heads ready for battle. The hippo wisely retreats quickly back to the water.
Khanyisa playing with Bubi was priceless as she showed Bubi how she will make waves in the water like Bubi and use her perfected back kick to that hippo over and over if he comes near her. The temperament of this herd is noteworthy. Give a chance for peace and if not accepted, show your force and allow your adversary to retreat without harm. Well done Jabulani herd! Battle tactics 101 without casualties.


Great filming! Thank you, Owen.
We wish a happy new year to everyone at Herd! 🎉❤


Standing together as a HERD, in present danger. A teachable moment. Love ❤


Sebakwe 🐘 was trying to be a gentleman and share the dam with that hippo 🦛. But I guess the Hippo 🦛 had other thoughts. Sebakwe 🐘 tried to give him space but that wasn't good enough. All it took was one trumpet from Sebakwe 🐘 and the rest of the HERD 🐘 was right there. The lonely Hippo 🦛 was defeated and retreated back into the water.
To watch Khaynisa 🐘 and Bubi 🐘 playing in the water (their happy place) is so much fun. Khaynisa 🐘 tries to mimic Bubi's 🐘 water moves. Khaynisa's 🐘 little happy trumpet says it all. But allomother Limpopo 🐘 is right there making sure Khaynisa 🐘 was safe.
Great filming Owen. Thank you for my morning of happiness watching my favorite family of elephants 🐘.


What a family our Ellies are!! How I love their trumpeting!! 🤗🐘🥰❤️🐘


"On my signal, everybody huddle! And tell him off when he's back in the water!"


Queen of the back kicks is at it again! That little ellie cracks me up 🤣😂🤣


This hippo was one of a kind! Thank you Owen for capturing this interaction, which is probably not seen very often! Fascinating! 👍


Bubi and Khanyisa bonding over their shared love of the water, how precious ❤️


Whew! A tense few minutes. But Mr Hippo is no match for Team HERD! ❤❤❤


Khanisa has been working on her back kick!! She's getting very good at that!


WOW! That had me really concerned.... Sebakwe seemed to be thinking 'Is this a crazy *%* hippo? Look, he's coming right at us!, Really, he's nuts!" Loved see the strength of the herd to protect and support each other -- little ones learning strength. Just Beautiful. Thank you.


Wow. I don't think I've ever seen footage of a hippo coming out of the water to confront an elephant.

Big mistake by the hippo. That is a powerful herd and they stick together.


Hippo was saying I ain't scared of you see I ain't scared and then when they all came together Hippo says oh HELL NO!! LOL


I love and laughed at Bubi's and Khanyisa's fun chaos today. It seems Bubi is teaching the youngster the proper way to make a splash, and looked so proud when Khanyisa was enthusiastic with her mimicry. And that standoff with the dominant bull and hippo was a marvelous sight to have been filmed. Thank you for your great work, Owen. God Bless You All.🙏🐘❤


Loved seeing that Hippo hightail it back into the water as fast as his short little legs would carry him. Lol! Like he even stood a chance against a herd of Elephants. Dream on buddy. & Little Miss Kicker splashing away with Bubi, sooo cute. ❤


You can really see the size of Sebakwe in this video 😮
