Cane vs guide dog for a blind or visually impaired person

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What’s the difference between a cane and a guide dog?
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Radar is an amazing name for a guide dog <3


Guides dogs are unbelievably cool. I never considered that a dog would be able to recognize obstacles way above their heads. They're so so much smarter than most people think


Radar is so cute! He is a very well trained guide dog.


So the first thing I learned when I got my first guide dog apparently they don’t always look up that’s the hardest thing to train so whether your guide dog is going to look up and catch, the upper obstacle is a 50-50 shot

Every day we do the same route in training and every day I get a branch in my face a big branch one day after we had done this over and over and over. I remember the trainer getting in with the saw she literally cut the branch down.. with my second dog I was walking through a shopping center like an outdoor shopping center and it was black Friday tons of people and so what happened was there was a sign that was raised up so the lower half was you know wide enough, it came to like breast level people were filled up in that area cause they were waiting waiting to go to target. Normally you would have a huge sidewalk so my dog was trying to get me past all of these people and all of the stuff and all of a sudden I literally walked into the sign at a full clip. I hit it with a huge force to the point that it knocked me down. I had like five people reach out and catch me before I hit the floor. My poor dog was absolutely distraught when he saw me on the ground. He just started crying and licking me and mommy mommy mommy I’m so sorry, it wasn’t really his fault because he was trying to deal with a bunch of stuff at the same time but it was crazy .

And I’m not saying that dogs have vendetta when they get angry but too funny stories my first dog wanted a Winnie the Pooh bear in target and I was planning on buying it for his birthday, but I wouldn’t let him have it that particular day now he had walked me past all kinds of holes to get into the store This is the store we’ve been to hundreds of times however, that particular day he was really angry and on the way out in the middle of an open sidewalk he managed to slap me into the ball >

My second dog did something very similar. We went into a sandwich shop, and he actually made a point of taking me around a huge bush very carefully while we were in the store, I accidentally stepped on his tail on the way out. I got the bush in my face, even though he had navigated around it on the way in..


That's impressive. Dogs are a gift


Wow thats so amazing, just shows how intelligent they are


You are in inspiration. May God bless you


Have you always been blind? Because your eyes don’t look blind and you still move them like you can see. Which leads me to believe you could see at one point in time but not anymore.


very interesting i know i neee one someday


Those dogs are so smart, how do they train that?


We don’t deserve dogs! He is so handsome and intelligent


I would love any woman who was capable of seeing through my bullshit past and that can see the beauty inside of the beast that is me.


Okay but his name is as awesome as he is


I need a blind woman so she’s unable to see how hideous I am.


Can we ask your mum to not make objects hit you at eye level 😅


What she blind thicker than a sneaker Jesus he makes no mistakes when he makes us ☺️🥰
