Saving a life: emergency cricothyrotomy

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Ever seen those movie scenes where someone uses a pen for an emergency airway? If you suspected they MIGHT be unrealistic, you thought right! Today I'm showing you how surgeons actually do it.

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*I've been meaning to make this video for a while now! Let me know what you think. 🤓*


I am a surgeon - BUT....a colorectal surgeon! It's been many years since Residency, when I actually had to perform an emergency tracheotomy on the ward in the middle of the night. I nearly crapped myself, but my training at that time meant that I was able to do it (though with perhaps a little more blood loss than I was expecting!), and I was congratulated for my endeavors. Recently I came close, when I was present when someone with angioneurotic edema was getting significant stridor. I wasn't near any medical equipment, and fortunately her medication took effect before she reached apnea, but it inspired me to seek an update of my training in that greatest of all medical schools - YouTube! Your video was excellent, and I have now added the instruments you describe to my home kit (paranoia, I know!) and can face the prospect of airway obstruction with renewed confidence! Thank you!


My friend is a surgeons and we are both whitewater kayakers.
10 years ago, we got a situation requiring such intervention, but without specialized ER instruments.
Our friend was unconscious and stop breathing 3 minutes ago underwater. The airway was impossible to open due to strong spasm on larynx area.
When you are in the middle of the river... The best tools you might have are your trusty river knife and a Bic pen.
Remove the ink cartridge and the small lid of the Bic pen to make a fortune crico pipe for "mouth to pen" artificial breathing.
Thank you for the great video.


I'm an electrical engineering student who went on a "medical youtube" binge and somehow ended up here... this is some seriously amazing content! Really insightful for someone completely unaware of the ins and outs of the medical profession. Don't think I'll be trying this though, lol


I’m always scared that something like this will happen so I watch these types of videos to be prepared in case of an emergency


Thank you. Air Force veteran here. I had to help prepare the remains of a choking victim. It's always been a source of sleep ending anxiety to think of all his fellow airmen who couldn't get his airway open in time. I don't intend to be doing this, but it eased my troubled mind. One less trigger for my panic syndrome. Thank you so very much for this.


Love the googly eyes for the patient - all that was missing was a wig. :)


Doing a presentation today related to Larynx Trauma, and your content contributes greatly. Good job Doc !


I learned this in Paramedic School, awesome review Doc!


Superb explaination, I am a 3rd year medical student myself and I always had trouble understanding the landmarks of the cartilages of neck, now I will never forget it.
I hope that you will make more videos in the future on air way management like tracheostomy.


Before nursing school I worked in instrument processing. I've always wondered why there were measurements on the scalpel handles. Thank you for these great instructive videos!


I actually have had one of these when my throat closed up from an infection I got from being put in a coma from a seizure and got to the point I was outside laying on the ground because it was so cold and I could actually breathe better then inside because was hot and didn’t tell anyone for while thought was gonna go away like it did the couple times it happened before but then called 911 cause knew something was up and then next I remember is getting to the ER being rushed out and like 3 or 4 people running me on a gurney to the ER like actual room and I looked at my mom and I was like “I love you” and she just started crying and couldn’t say anything then I just remember starring into her eyes and praying to god that I was going to live cause was like half a second breaths then woke up in a room alone and could only breathe out of literally my throat had no air going out of my mouth or nose and was the weirdest freaking feeling ever and actually just got it out 2 days ago and have a little patch on over my hole it’s kinda already healed but man I wouldn’t wish this on my worst enemy man had it for months for like the first I couldn’t even talk and just definitely take care out there everyone and stay safe please.


Exceptional information. Thank you. I look forward to seeing more videos like this.


I thought this video was about what could a non surgeon do if there's an emergency deep in the woods. And they don't have a scalpel, but they do have a pocket knife


Always excited to see a video from you!


I understand my statements will run contrary to the intent of this video, but here goes...

You're camping, or you're driving along in your car, or some other circumstance where the unexpected happens, and you only have a small knife and, for example, a pen that can be used as a plastic tube once dismantled, or some similarly improvised device to get air flowing...

That's what I curious to have some guidance for, a last ditch emergency situation on how to get air flowing with even the crudest of instruments, because if you don't do something, anything, the person is going to die, at least engage that fighting chance.

That's the video I'd like to see! Nevertheless, this video was excellent, informative, and well executed! I will watch it, study it, to learn this and keep this type of stuff at home for emergencies! Thank you for this video.


Great video Dr - this a life saving procedure in an emergency situation


This video is a lot better than most on this topic!!!


Just practiced intubation with a stylet and bougie at school. Seriously interesting stuff!


Thank god I am not a doctor! I would have myself gone insane cutting opening anyone! What is this phenomenon that if you watch some procedure happening you start getting feeling at the same spot on yourself as well! Damn this sends chills down my spine! Thank you sir! I am so much grateful to the doctors that treat us!
