Curtis Stone on Finding The Perfect Homestead Property

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The Canadian Offgrid Homesteader Shares the 11 Scales of Permanence on how to find the perfect homestead. (SHOW NOTES BELOW)

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My 2 top tier favorite farmers! These 2 have been soo formative in my farming journey. Both of their memberships are full of so much value!!💕💕💕


Already living in Arkansas (in an urban area) and looking for our homestead property here. Glad to hear we're already in a good place! This interview was invaluable. Going to look into Curtis' course for sure. Excellent interview, thank you!


I have two cats and they are very close to me. They are outside most of the time and have their routine. They don't go to anybody else, not even close. When I put them in carriers and brought them to be neutered they were so scared. One of them broke out of his carrier in the car and came to sit on my lap. He was panting and his heart was racing. I had never seen him like that. I spent time with him, petted him, was calm with him and he calmed down. I was thinking how lucky your animals are that they get shot doing what they love doing. They never experience that stress of being taken away to an unknown place, not knowing what was to come. Yes, you harvest them and you feed your family, Justin, but you do it in the best and kindest way for those animals. They never suffer. God bless you, Justin, and your family.


Love this! Two of my fav homesteading dudes. 👍🙂


I have wanted to watch you two talk for 8 years!!


I'm a Realtor in Wisconsin. Great talking points for folks looking for property - specifically homestead property. Thank you for sharing your knowledge!


Justin KUDDOS to you for providing such valuable information Freely. I have watched Curtis for years before he moved to that area in Canada and as he developed different properties. I actually took my Permaculture course with Bill Mollison and Jeff Lawton in Sebastopol, Calif a 3 week hands on course on a Llama farm. I haven't had the occasion to put everything un the practice yet but THIS is the year. Thank you both❤


Justin, Curtis Stone and you really resemble one another.


Covid changed alot of us.Homesteading really took off and us older folks became true hermits.when my brother in law had covid my sister called told us to stay call her weekly to see if she needed anything dropped at her door. If she did i picked it up set it on her porch get in my car call her and left.luckily after a month he turned around and got better.


It is nice to see you guys together and talking. I first found Curtis and then he led me to Justin. I have been watching you guys from the very beginning.


Curtis is the reason I started a market garden. Six year now and going on the 7th. I was watching homesteading videos and then stumbled upon his videos and thought I could make money while homesteading.


thanks for bringing this interview. It's really good.


I certainly don't agree with some of what Curtis talks about, but you can't deny he is smart and does his homework.


I love that. I can relate to his beginnings. I'm on a suburban ¼ acre corner. My classroom. "Leveraging my experiential and social capital!"


We are moving to Flippin Arkansas next week. I'm so excited to get out of Toledo.


Subbed to both of you...nice to have you both together for this conversation.


The biggest mistake people can make going off grid is not knowing the locals and building a community. At some point you'll need something that you don't have, and the system won't provide if it's down. Bartering is very important. Bring value to the community.

Also, I noticed a lot of people stocking up on food, but they don't have an electric-free way of collecting water. Freeze-dried emergency food isn't much good if you don't have water!


I just started watching this video but I'm already tense about the content by the comments. I love Justin and probably 40 other channels. Been to homesteaders of America and met the Rhodes family. I don't have the same beliefs as many. I'm sort of in a league of my own there all by myself, but I try to take what I need and leave things better than I found them.
I'm hoping this video helps me because I'm about to pick land and I've been planning for about 5 years!!


Excellent interview ❤️❤️❤️🙌🙌🙌

Thank you,


Non complier; Health Freedom advocate; Zero vaccine Mama Bear; Anti face diaper wearer; Anti Group Think; Pro Immune System; Anti Vax.❤️❤️❤️🙌🙌🙌


My son is an avid Hunter. And is interning for a hunting guide. His passion is watching animal’s. It’s not just hunting season. It’s year round. He doesn’t have the same relationship as a farmer but we are eating and elk that he watched eat in alpha fields for days. And he gets excited he knows what our meat ate before it became our meat.
