MetaAXS - Auxy 7 Overchart (Chart Preview)

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I decided to make this overchart today, had a bit of free time and made this in about 90 minutes. I really like this overchart, it looks harder than it is in my opinion, but that's not to say this still is not an incredibly difficult chart because it 100% is.

I might try to FC this in the future, I've stated before but Auxy 7 is my favorite song that Meta has made by far, the audio is just mesmerizing, and the normal chart is very fun to play cleanly and to hit RB style.

Рекомендации по теме

I totally agree that this is Meta’s best custom (probably my favorite custom ever tbh), the only one that might rival it is Consequences. Cool chart too!


yo threa
I wanna become a top player just so I can play this chart properly
