How To Dodge 200 Lightning Bolts in Final Fantasy X

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How to dodge 200 lightning bolts in Final Fantasy X

In this video, we'll be discussing the best strategy on how to avoid those pesky lightning bolts, and grab the most difficult item in the game, the Venus Sigil! This item helps fully unlock Lulu's Celestial Weapon, the Onion Knight!

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Tags: final fantasy,final fantasy x,final fantasy x/x-2 hd remaster,final fantasy x switch,final fantasy x xbox one,switch,nintendo switch,xbox one,ffx,ffx/x2 hd remaster ps4,final fantasy 10,ff10,final fantasy 10/10-2 hd remaster,ff,ps4,how to,how to dodge,how to dodge 200 lightning bolts ffx,square enix,lets play,final fantasy x hd,final fantasy guide,how to dodge 200 lightning bolts,venus sigil,lulu,onion knight
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Who ever had the idea to add this to the game should be tossed out of an airplane.


One Dev. How many bolts of lightning do you think we should have them dodge? Second DEV. I don't know.... I guess? Both have a laugh. Yeah, let's do it. And that's how it happened.


Dude, thank you so much. I never even thought I'd bother trying for Lulu's weapon, because I didn't know about the crater and I have a slight delay from my tv/system that made the flash reaction time pretty much impossible. Turns out with this method, that delay made it somewhat easier! I only had to try for a 200 streak 3 times and now I've got the Venus Sigil. You are a true gentleman, sir. Thanks for your help.


The bolt is triggered the moment that Tidus' foot hits the rim of the crater - FYI. You can time it to that and even if you press x 1 ms before the flash it will dodge.


I’ve been playing this game for about 20 years. I did this challenge only once when I was maybe 11. Just running around, no save, and had encounters (I didn’t know any better.) I figured that was enough for a lifetime lol. I have tried and failed many MANY times since. Now I’m trying to platinum the game, and this guide is so helpful. I had no idea this trick was a thing. Thank you so much.


I remember doing this, the chocobo race and the Stupid butterfly hunt without guides or anything nearly 20 years ago.... now, I need these guides thank you


About 20 years ago, when I was a little kid, I played this game with my brother.
My brother finally managed to get 200 dodges at the secluded area with the qactuar stone.
Easy Peasy I thought, and so I started my grinding.

... I dropped the ball at 197. I never played lightning dodge again...

... Until today. And I got 222 dodges on my first try (22 extra for safety). This video helped me get revenge for what has haunted me these past 20 years.

Thank you. Really, thank 😭😭😭❤️❤️❤️


Omigod, thank you, I never even made a serious attempt at this one because I just felt there was no hope. I'm gonna try this!


Thank you SO MUCH! Before I watched this video, the most I could dodge consecutively was about 15, but afterwards, I was able to hit and surpass 200 on the first try!


Thanks again for the accurate info. Short and right to the point!! Small tip: I would mash X repeatedly when screen flashed with little to no success. I got frustrated (like within 3 minutes of trying) and decided to just press X and hold it when screen flashed--100% success rate so far. I'm taking my 1st 50 dodge break. Thanks again!


I have never completed the lightning dodge challenge before until my wife found this video. The information was very helpful, and made it much easier. Appreciate the help!


After learning this i managed 156 a few days ago followed by 172 the next day and today I was so close, 196 lol.


Soldier! Thanks heaps for this video. I finally cleared this hated mini game after 3 hours of trying. Although this method is great and guaranteed to clear it, there is also a mental component at play here. I had the worst when I dodged 199, I choked at the end and I had to re-do it all over again.

Here are some additional tips to clear this dreaded crap:

1. Have a don’t give a f@&k attitude, be as stoic and indifferent as possible. It’s important to conquer yourself mentally
2. I got struck by the stupid lightning few times when I got so used to with the rhythm but sometimes there is a thick mist covering the crater that will mess up your timing. Wait by the tower until you can see the crater or at least it’s visible to you.
3. Be persistent. 200 times is a lot. One point I got so angry I dodged 100 in a row with an “I don’t care anymore attitude”.

Anyway, I’m just happy that I got this over with. Best of luck for those who are still attempting or about to attempt this hated mini game.

PS. The chocobo one is more difficult IMO but the lightning one affects you mentally as you dodged more lightning. Now I understand the feeling of an NBA player about to hit a winning free throw shot at the buzzer. Lol


Oh my god this is a life saver. I just went from a record of 13 without this, to 25 with, and now I'm up to 37. Might take a while but now I'm sure I can get to 200


If you ever do this never delete your save, even make a backup point after it.


You literally saved me so much grief and now I can say I finally did it. The extra hp mp and strength spheres were a nice plus too.


Thank you for this. I’ve completed this a few times already, but this trick makes it so much easier and faster


thanks so much man, don't think I would've completed it without this guide. I'm thinking it was an intended mechanic since the crater resembles a spot where lightning struck multiple times. sorta like an easter egg


I've played this game several times over 20 years and never knew this. You, sir, are a hero
