Mobile UX London Conference: Talk 06- Musical Legend, UX Designer & Design Thinker? by CONOR WARD

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Conor ward is Head of UX & Design at British Gas, the UK’s biggest energy supplier serving around 12 million homes in the UK.
Miles Davis was one of the most influential people in 20th century music. He hated labels and also had many destructive problems with general structure and society. Focusing solely on his approach to his art form however, we can see that he valued innovation, collaboration and experimental communication above most things. It’s fairly likely that he would not have liked being labelled as a design thinker (or any other label) however I think there are many things we can learn about his approach to creativity that can fuel our own drive towards designing for exceptional experiences, embracing exploration and celebrating failure.
In this talk I share some of the principles that my team & I have taken from this way of thinking. I give real world examples of how these ideas have helped inspire us to craft more pleasurable mobile experiences for our users and embrace new user centred ways of working.