Traversal Operation in an Array - C++ Program to Traverse an Array - Coding With Clicks
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Array traversal is the process of visiting each array element once. A traversal is the process of looping through the elements of an array. We visit or access each element of an array during an array traversal. A for loop can be used to traverse an array. Using the for loop Instead of printing each element individually, you can use the for loop to iterate the index from 0 to last index and access element of an array. We can use iteration with a for loop to visit each element of an array to traverse it. This is known as traversing the array. Array traversal, also known as Traversing an Array in C++, is the process of sequentially accessing each element of an array one at a time. To "traverse the array," simply go through each element one by one. Accessing each element of an array for a specific purpose is what traversing an array entails.
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