Darryl Anka: Channeling Bashar

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Darryl Anka shares some of the most important lessons he has learned from his years of channeling an entity named, Bashar. First, we dive into his personal history to discover his life’s journey that led him to illuming the world with Bashar's wisdom. As we discover more about the entity known as Bashar, we learn how these beings are genetically related to humanity, and why they have such an active interest in our spiritual evolution. Plus, we gain deeper insights into the channeling process and how it affects our experience of reality.

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Bashar's stuff really saved my life long ago (I went through many years of intense emotional pain), and it improved my life 10 fold and it continues to improve. Personally I have only had very few and brief telepathic interactions with extra dimensional beings, but most are just wonderful (some too brief due to 'bad antenna') - I wish every person on this world could experience some of them... The world would become a much better place. In my first contact, it was like the being radiated sunlight on my skin, except instead of heat, it was unconditional love... no one knows unconditional love until it radiates to you. The level of kindness and gentleness of some of these beings is incredible and inspiring.


I have this experience also im dreaming of a very calming morning and im in a house near a lake and i see a small cat outside and i see the cat slipped and as im going to get the cat i see two beings went down from somewhere one being is tall and one is a little smaller as i look into their faces they smile at me and i felt this total happiness from my heart and i cried i was stunned and the taller one pick the cat and it come to me and after that they flew to the sky


When u said in the middle, they lock; I pictured the Vesica Pisces


The moon is older than earth.

But now Google updated the year .


I keep God first and yes I've said God alone e was in charge im good to Go with just God


I have children and I promise, if they saw floating ball of light (paraphrasing), they wouldn't think that's normal.
Just another testament to how times have changed since we were young.


I’m the Caribbean I met a quadruple amputee who lived in absolute poverty and only ate the bread given to her by nuns, she was a very happy person… how does that fit into Bashars paradigm?


So i've often paid great attention to the videos that come into my experience and in particular since out global meditation of last saturday and all week for that matter


A self proclaimed manifestation and nothing else.


We are not alone in this universe, God tells us in the Noble Qur’an that he created other creatures in the higher heavens, where he said in Surah Al-Shura, verse 29, ((And among his revelations he created the heavens and the earth, and what was spread in them of an animal, and He is to gather them if He is willing)).


You know most will think this guy is a nut but we honestly have had stuff like this for centuries. Ask a Native American or any from a native land and they either have an herb or substance that induces such a trance or they have a ritual (channeling).


Lol!! I click this video because the thumbnails looks like an Anime characters to me. 😂😂😂


Be careful because he could be possessed with a demon.


I have no idea, all i know is I haveto pay my credit debt


👺👌 relatable; ufo encounter is to tilt you to the path towards your life contract


if Bashar is in physical reality, can he give us any practical technology that we don't have to prove that he is real? Like a don't know, different way to make something simple that we for some reason didn't figured out. If not, its nonsense.


His speeches helped me more than anything! I have listened to more than 100 hours of his content and I 100% believe it.


If hes improving peoples lives who cares if its real or not. Better than roman catholic priests.


Love how he clarified the science of it and it’s not a “possession”


He simply understands dialectical, dubious, bi-polar nature of reality the same as some ancient philosophers, especially Haraclit of Efez or Lao Tzy. It seems, he is trying to say that we are creators of our destinies. That's right. Sounds correct. But only partially. To make this statement complete, we have to add: because we are social beings ( we exist in a form of collective), we depend upon each other, so that is why what and how we believe in or what we think is, partially but nontheless - significanlly, dependent on others. I guess, Mr Bashar with his great knowledge and eloquence however omitts this significant observation. Our striving, effort, limitations and pain are necessary circumstances on the way of realizations of the Self. That is, a stronger emphasis should be put on limitations than on abilities or possibilities. Simply, you cannot do anything totaly on your own. You relly on numberless factors or people who commonly construct this Universe and develop. That is, simply, we should be more focused on others, any way, even if we have the will, we do not have a choice. Not forgetting of self-study or individual progress in understanding of the nature of things. Wish you a good day!
