Intellectual Property Fundamentals Training - Executive IP

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"IP Fundamentals" is intended to provide business and technical professionals, non-IP lawyers, university students, and faculty with an understanding of the most common forms of intellectual property, as well as key terms and concepts. Contact us today to evaluate our training materials and enroll your employees in our free pilot program.

Intellectual Property. The new cornerstone to so many businesses throughout our rapidly changing world. 20 years ago you could be a business or technology professional without understanding the fundamentals of IP. Since then, though, we’ve seen the emergence of the Internet which has enabled ideas to spread faster and farther. We’ve seen governments of the biggest and smallest nations making massive investments it their IP offices. We’ve seen social media as it creates all kinds of IP opportunities and risks. Patent and copyright trolls have become a major threat to businesses. And many, many companies have crossed the line where there is now more corporate value in intangible assets than tangible assets. Simply, IP risks and opportunities are everywhere. With this in mind, it’s obvious that to be a business or technology professional today, IP must be part of our planning, part of our mentalities; we must speak the language of IP. That’s why we created our IP Fundamentals program. It’s fast, engaging, and compelling.
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