Is My Confession Really a Secret? (The Seal of Confession Explained)

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Today, Fr. Mike tells us about the story of the patron saint of confessors, St. John Nepomucene, who gave up his life because he refused to break something called the "seal of confession", which is a sacred duty of a priest to never reveal what is said in the confessional.

God himself established the priesthood as the mediators of reconciliation in the Gospel (John 2-:21-22). The Church takes this sacred responsibility so seriously, that any priest who breaks the seal of confession is automatically excommunicated.

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Fr Mike is a ray of sunshine☺️ We are so blessed to have him.


I'm a fairly new Catholic, was baptized/confirmed 5 years ago from last Saturday night, Easter vigil mass of 2018. One of the things that most surprised me about becoming Catholic was just how powerful confession is. I have never left the confession booth with a dry eye. It is an incredibly special moment to hear the priest's words of absolution. But also important...learn to forgive yourself, just as Christ forgave you...don't hold on to the sins that He has paid the price for!


Thank you for spreading the word Father. Online voices like yours, have helped me rebuild my relationship with God. I have returned to church after years of absence. 😊


it is a moment that changed my life. Last year, June 24th on the feast day of the Sacred Heart of Jesus, at the Divine Mercy hour 3:00 I went back to confession for the fist time in 12 years. Abandoned my mortal sins and never looked back. Partaking in the most blessed sacrament of the Eucharist motivates me more than anything to not fall for the vices that plagued me for far too long. God bless you my brothers and sisters. If you are considering confession I strongly recommend it. I was dead, but now I live!


I have been to confession twice now. I was confirmed at Easter Vigil, and my sons and I met Jesus in the Eucharist together for the first time. They have been once. I would never even ask them what they confessed. Never. As for me, at my first reconciliation I confessed something that has troubled me since I was a young boy. I come from a tradition that calls everyone to public confession, and there is no way on earth I would have ever gone forward with this. I am so grateful. I told Father L I had told Jesus so many times I was sorry, and I knew he had forgiven me. Father L told me that though I knew I was forgiven, I had never heard and, and now I would. And I did. I am so thankful I found my way home. God bless you all.


A priest told me once confessions are like mini exorcisms. It kinda makes sense when you open your heart, you shed all the shame and guilt and you become clean again. You were so clearly born to be a man of God father we love you here .


I'm an adult convert to the faith. I always get very nervous before confession, but once I go through all my sins, I feel better and feel contrite. The priests have always been compassionate, soft-spoken, encouraging, and reminding me of the love of Jesus. The last time I went, I literally felt a weight drop off of me at the point of absolution. What a blessing!
Remember that the priest wears the purple stole during Reconciliation because it is the symbol of priestly authority to forgive sins; he is acting as the mediator for Christ. (This is also true for exorcisms, BTW, for the same reason). Some priests have said that God has given them the Grace of forgetfulness, so they literally don't remember what they've heard.
Beware of the sin of pride, that tells you that you are so unique, that no one could have possibly committed the sins that you have. Naming the sin will free you from the devil.
A very powerful movie highlighting the sanctity of the seal of confession is "I Confess", with Montgomery Cliff (1953).


Oh Fr. Mike, how I wish you were my confessor. I went to Confession a month ago, intending to make a complete, honest confession. My parish does not have a resident priest; however, we have a visiting priest who says Mass most Saturdays, which is usually when I attend Mass. He was hearing Confession that night. He berated and scolded me so badly in the midst of my confession that I couldn’t even continue. I’m so hurt and full of shame. I can’t even look that priest in the eye without crying.


I went to confession yesterday for first time in many yrs. I feel free. I let it all out. It was killing my soul. Thank you Jesus. It’s a special gift to be able to verbalize what’s killing your soul.


I've recently converted from the church of England to the Catholic Church. I could listen to Father Mike all day.


I told my kids when they were nervous about confession- no one likes to go to confession to say what they have done wrong, but everyone loves forgiveness. I went astray as a teenager and came back before the birth of my 1st child. I said to the priest face to face, bless me father for I have sinned. It has been 25 years since my last confession. He smiled at me and said Well, welcome back! He administered the sacrament of anointing of the sick in 2014 when I was fighting breast cancer and he died at age 57 from throat cancer. I was so blessed to have him as a priest. It is never to late to come back to God.


Unfortunately this happened at my parish with a first confession of a child- nothing serious but it occurred. It was reported but the priest continued to say mass. This can really shake one’s faith but my advice is to continue to seek the sacraments. This video came at the perfect time so thank you Ascension and Fr Mike.


I am sending your message to the professed Catholic democrat senators in my home state, Washington, as this fallen state considers legislation (SB5280), to force priests to break this seal. Please add your powerful prayers that Sens Cantwell and Murray are convicted by your inspired explanation. God bless you, Fr. Mike!


I spent around 12 years away from confession. When I finally went, it felt so good and it wasn’t that hard. Now I go regularly. At first I felt pretty bad for doing my sins again and again. But later I understood that we can’t give up and the divine mercy is always open to us


This is beautiful and true. Thank God for the Church's wisdom in this. God bless you, Fr. Mike. Prayers.


Greeting father mike from the holy land ✝️❤


I still tremble everytime I approach the confessional.
But as you said, everytime I go out, it feels like a moment of hope and love.


I’ve never heard it explained like this. I can’t wait to share it with those who have found the secrecy an injustice, because you’ve explained it so eloquently. Thank you, Mr. Mike!


I just went to confession today after 25 years. I was so nervous, now I am so happy I went.


Good timing, I’m going to confession today.
