Bro made that dragon go into helicopter mode ManiaCorruptHeart
Bro made that dragon go into helicopter mode
I got my friend one of these and she loves it!! jemmamcdonald
I got my friend one of these and she loves it!!
Imagine you just hatched out of your egg, and then this guy just spins you like a helicopter blade Dinglebert
Imagine you just hatched out of your egg, and then this guy just spins you like a helicopter blade
I love these 3d printed dragons just keep them away from 6 year olds. I learned that lesson the hard way I-LIKE-TURTLES
I love these 3d printed dragons just keep them away from 6 year olds. I learned that lesson the hard way
I love these I have a green one that has wings Owenwhatthesigma
I love these I have a green one that has wings
omg i ordered 1 and i have it now in my hand nidashafqat
omg i ordered 1 and i have it now in my hand
I have one! One side is pink one side is blue😊 stacykeser
I have one! One side is pink one side is blue😊
I actually have that same type of dragon 3D printed except it's different colors HaddieZuge
I actually have that same type of dragon 3D printed except it's different colors
I have the exact same one as you but mine's black but mine's just has a dog nose 🐽 AnthonyThePokemonMaster
I have the exact same one as you but mine's black but mine's just has a dog nose 🐽
I have a medium sized one! It is red and black! I named mine Blood Moon samantazvirgzdina
I have a medium sized one! It is red and black! I named mine Blood Moon
I have one of these I’ve never opened yet I should probs make a vid of opening it! Tobydababy
I have one of these I’ve never opened yet I should probs make a vid of opening it!
what type of 3d printer you have used and what is the filament neethareddy
what type of 3d printer you have used and what is the filament
I have a dragon egg that looks just like that almawilliams
I have a dragon egg that looks just like that
Please could you make the stl available? leonardorodrigues
Please could you make the stl available?
Where did you get that STL for that wonderful egg!! I want one! RG-ulyu
Where did you get that STL for that wonderful egg!! I want one!
I don’t have any of those but I really want one plz🙏😔🥺 Fishing_kid
I don’t have any of those but I really want one plz🙏😔🥺
Bro really acted like it's not fragile -_-_-_-meh
Bro really acted like it's not fragile