Joy Meditation - Vasudhaiva Kutumbakan

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Music: "Stratus", Uyama Hiroto

Images: Personnel Graphic Design Composition

Une expérience revitalisante pour le Corps et l'Esprit, A Digital Spa Experience, une expérience directe de l'Esprit quantique et saint, du jazz coloré présent dans l'Acte de Création

Note: For the text present in some images (written mantras) , please check Dr. Pillai on Phonemic Intelligence Website (Science Behind Phonemic Intelligence /Theory of Subtle Sounds) :

This digital relaxation techniques to enhance and benefit the wellbeing of the users , although may act on one`s overall wellbeing do not replace or substitute the human touch . There are no relaxation technique that replace the human touch in the full development of the human beings , specially the emotional development and it is precisely by the absence of this caring and respecteful human touch that this technologies are used by many users as means of compensation for that absence. In fact if they do not led to a development and enhancement of the quality of human relations they become devoid of sense. A caring human touch is essential for a full and harmonic development of a human being :

Please, enjoy and book to receive a caring and nurturing massage whenever you can. Even better , do a caring and nurturing massage.

Thinking about Data Protection Regulation, Christmas, violations of privacy by the media and all the ... brlbrlbrl
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