Power Systems of the Future, Prof. Tom Edgar

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Power Systems of the Future: Perspectives on Carbon Emissions and Power Production

Thomas F. Edgar
The University of Texas at Austin

20 Feb 2020
Izatt Christensen Lecture at Brigham Young University

Energy efficiency is beginning to receive increased attention as a way to reduce the use of fossil fuels and the resulting production of greenhouse gases. Sometimes coined as “negawatts” (vs. megawatts), increased energy efficiencies also provide an avenue to address possible future legislation of cap and trade or a carbon tax. The increased use of renewable energy such as solar or wind power reduces carbon usage but adds a dynamic element to power production, although grid operators have found ways to meet power demands that can change every minute. Trends in power production are discussed and economic driving forces are highlighted in the decarbonization of the grid.

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Thank you very much for uploading this video. I like his talk.


Thank you, so much!, This video it's interesting!


Hey thanks for all the wonderful resources. I was wondering if you knew any for learning power systems?
