Nutrim Ltd., Plovdiv, Bulgaria
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Нутрим е компания, основана през далечната 1993 г. Фирмата е утвърден производител на специализирани храни, хранителни добавки и напитки. Производствената листа на Нутрим включва повече от 150 продукта, специално предназначени не само за спортисти и хора, активно занимаващи се със спорт, но и за такива, решени да водят здравословен начин на живот. Нутрим има внедрена и сертифицирана от Lloyd’s Register Quality Assurance интегрирана система за управление на качеството и контрол на критичните точки ISO 9001/HACCP. Продуктите на фирмата са познати на пазарите на редица страни от ЕС, Северна и Южна Америка, както и Близкия Изток. Компанията произвежда и част от продуктите си под private label на водещи световни брандове. Nutrim, MaxDynamix и Isoton са запазени марки на Нутрим ЕООД.
NUTRIM was established in 1993. It is a well recognised producer of specialised foods, food supplements and beverages. The product list of NUTRIM contains over 150 products earmarked both for sportsmen and people involved in regular physical activities and for everyone aiming at a healthy lifestyle. The company has an integrated system for control and management of the key points in ISO 9001/HCAAP certified by Lloyd’s Register Quality Assurance. The products of NUTRIM are well established in a number of foreign markets in the EU, North and South America, as well as in the Middle East. Some of the items on the product list are also offered under the private labels of world renowned brands. Nutrim, MaxDynamix and Isoton are trademarks of NUTRIM Co.Ltd.
NUTRIM was established in 1993. It is a well recognised producer of specialised foods, food supplements and beverages. The product list of NUTRIM contains over 150 products earmarked both for sportsmen and people involved in regular physical activities and for everyone aiming at a healthy lifestyle. The company has an integrated system for control and management of the key points in ISO 9001/HCAAP certified by Lloyd’s Register Quality Assurance. The products of NUTRIM are well established in a number of foreign markets in the EU, North and South America, as well as in the Middle East. Some of the items on the product list are also offered under the private labels of world renowned brands. Nutrim, MaxDynamix and Isoton are trademarks of NUTRIM Co.Ltd.