August - LUX's Meta Resilience

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Artist: overwhelmed - Royal & the Serpent

Credit: AugustUwU, ayevy, lime tea, Oggie, Qwi Xux

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Lux is hanging at a 52% wr in midlane right now. She's quite literally optimal, because the only pushable waves against her are cannon waves.


Imo her kit is simple and provides a decent amount of utility, which means that there's always going to be some use for her. A root that can hit two people, a shield you can potentially give to your entire team, an aoe slow that's decently sized, all of which can be thrown out from a safe distance.


Lux isn't called "riot's golden child" for nothing


Doesn't lux get instantly buffed every time she struggles ?


i mean outside of her damage vs champs which does fluctuate depending on items

She has great wave clear, good cc good catch potential and while she is immobile the rest of her kit comes together to make her very hard to jump, especially given that unlike most mages her damage gets better up close.

Her kit is well rounded and can usually do work.


As a support main, facing a character that through landing a Q can toss her entire kit out from a safe distance is nothing short of annoying.
Any CC that just makes you afraid of an afk kick warning like morgana too


I feel like Thresh is another example of this. The base kit is so useful and good that even if their stats or items aren't great, the champ is still viable


The guy completely avoided answering the question... which isnt explicitly lux mid. The answer is that she has an insanely good kit that supports itself while pumping out consistently good damage from relative safety. Remove her passive from affecting minions and watch her playrate fall as people struggle to push, farm, or cs under turret. Her only downside is lack of mobility, aside from that and mana costs she has almost zero drawbacks and she fits into any team comp and can solo lane or support or apc bot. Soft/hard cc, shields, aoe, auto attack passive proccs, long range...

All this is evidenced by the fact that her kit is still pretty much unchanged since season 2. I think the only significant (if you can call it that) change was her ult proccing her passive iirc...


Regardless of how good or bad she is (or situational), I think the main reason for people playing her even when not the best pick is confidence. A classical champion, everyone knows what she does and how to do it regardless of how good your are doing it... Bad matchup? You can rely on at least not dying fairly "easily" and has more survavility than other champs due to shield, Q etc.. It's just a staple.


Lux mains are also INSANELY dedicated. It doesn't matter what happens, they will still play Lux. If no lanes were viable they would take her to jungle.


My only issue with lux is regardless of how bad they are you will never get a wave under their turret once they get ult because it’s cd is so ridiculously short even at 1 point. Lux isn’t broken she’s just irritating because she’s the ultimate neutralizer


Lux is a long range mage with a root on shorter cooldown, who easily insta-clears waves, who has a bit of built in durability. Add Hextech Rocketbelt to her (for the dash to outplay) and she literally has it all as far as mages go. So of course she's resistant to being pushed out of the meta.


Lux is fun to play, but there are metas where she is less fun to play on mid lane like a few months ago where ad mid laners had infinite health sustain with fleet + shield bow + second wind, but when burst mages are good she feels good to play


It's because if she hits a Q it's over... And she can do this every 20s.


Yeah, and he forgot to mention that they intend to keep lux ALWAYS viable since she's one of the few champions with the most skins in the game


"Overwhelmed" is certainly one song choice for a short like this lmao


Disagree on that one. We all know that champions that sell more skins are the ones that:
1. Always decent/strong
2. High pickrate (consequence of being always good, no one plays to feel weak on the champ)
3. If she becomes weak, it's instantly buffed.

Why wouldn't Riot keep champs with more skins, strong, if the want people to play them and spend their money?


I feel like the only times in recent memory where she could be considered 'bad' was when AD/Assassin burst mid was meta at the same time tank junglers were meta too.

Which lead to very fast and lethal ganks on her immobile kit, and all the tower dives one could want.


Thresh, Ashe, Oriana, Lee Sin, Renekton.
One character in each role that will never be actively bad because their kit can function with poor numbers or items.


Counter example in my experience is Ahri. I never looked at Ahri and went "wow she's so strong" even when she had 55% winrate
