Introduction to Apache Geode Through Spring Data

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Introduction to Apache Geode Through Spring Data
Patrick Johnson
A presentation from ApacheCon @Home 2020
Apache Geode is a distributed in-memory data-grid designed with speed, concurrency, and scalability in mind. Apache Geode can be used as a system of record, cache, and much more. Spring Data is an extension of the Spring Framework that adds useful abstractions to make working with data simpler with less boilerplate code. In this presentation, Patrick will dive into what Apache Geode is, how it works, what it does, and how to get started using it with Spring Data for Apache Geode.
A (semi)recent graduate of Oregon Institute of Technology, Patrick is employed as a Software Engineer at VMware in Portland, Oregon, where he works primarily on Spring Data for Apache Geode.
Patrick Johnson
A presentation from ApacheCon @Home 2020
Apache Geode is a distributed in-memory data-grid designed with speed, concurrency, and scalability in mind. Apache Geode can be used as a system of record, cache, and much more. Spring Data is an extension of the Spring Framework that adds useful abstractions to make working with data simpler with less boilerplate code. In this presentation, Patrick will dive into what Apache Geode is, how it works, what it does, and how to get started using it with Spring Data for Apache Geode.
A (semi)recent graduate of Oregon Institute of Technology, Patrick is employed as a Software Engineer at VMware in Portland, Oregon, where he works primarily on Spring Data for Apache Geode.
Introduction to Apache Geode Through Spring Data
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