Cuencos Tibetanos de Cristal☯️ Baño de Sonido ULTRA RELAJANTE

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Experimenta la magia curativa de los cuencos tibetanos de cristal mientras sus vibraciones envuelven tu espacio, liberando tensiones y llevándote a un estado profundo de relajación. Deja que la armoniosa sinfonía te guíe hacia la calma interior, creando un ambiente propicio para la meditación, el descanso y la renovación. ¡Conéctate con la energía positiva y transformadora de estos cuencos sonoros y permite que el estrés se disuelva en cada onda de sonido!

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YouTube asked I wanted to see something new based off colour. I picked blue, this came up first. So glad I clicked it.


Mi madre murió de cáncer hace 2 meses. Ella ponía este video para relajarse y lidiar con el dolor. Hoy que ya no esta, yo Me pongo este video antes de dormir para sentirme más cerca de ella y a veces lo consigo. ❤ Gracias


Sifuncionó muy bien. Me quedé dormida en el trabajo pero si hice todo lo q tenía q hacer

This was wonderfully relaxing. After waking up at 4 am, I listened to this. All my muscles relaxed and I drifted off back to sleep. Thank you. 🙏 ❤


Déjà le fait de ne pas nous imposer de pubs, nous place dans un doux bonheur !
Je me sens relaxée et dans le lâcher prise dès les premiers sons et images, ce qui est vraiment de l'ordre de l'exploit absolu pour moi !!
Et l'incroyable c'est, qu'en plus, les sons en raisonnance me mettent mal à l'aise, d'habitude !
Merci beaucoup pour ces moments où je peux enfin accéder au calme intérieur !❤


The quality of these bowls are incredible


Sound bowls are the sound of heaven! My soul is at peace when I hear these! Love the blue vibe!


I've never been able to play (play with?) more than one of these bowls at a time, and I'm realizing now that each one at a time I've been able to play (for a moment in a store or at a friend's house or whatever) must have been lower quality, or maybe just in a place with less than appealing acoustics...
This is amazing and with my big (rather nice if i do say so myself) headphones, I hear every one (each bowl) like they are their own unique instrument...

It's really helping me to lessen a panic attack at this very moment so... THANK YOU SO MUCH! There are SO FEW things that can reel in my anxiety once it's passed a certain level (basically once the level is passed a certain level of.. idk . Intensity? Fear? Uneasiness? *Those of you who have anxiety/panic disorder I'm sure know what I'm talking about . If you do, I'd love to hear how you'd describe it!*
But anyway.. once it's gone far enough past that certain point, I can just feel it... I'm going to have a panic attack no matter what I try to do calm/avoid/lessen it- (whatever method I'm attempting at the time). However...

I had already started to accept my fate when I ended up on this vid and had a thought I decided that I wanted to comment (which I'm finally getting too.. heh.. the video along with maybe a bit of the distraction writing a comment provides)...

It made me think..
Man.. the only thing I can think of that seems like it'd be more relaxing than listening to this would be to get to be the person in the vid. To get to play 7 different tones of bowls, and to discover what each movement sounds like...
To get family with each tone and know what will make what sound... It's like getting to compose your own music. And you also have the perk of being familiar enough with which sound is coming that you wouldn't have any jarring moments... It'd all feel like a familiar favorite song on the radio, but instead of playing along, you are creating it.

Anyway... Idk if I'm even making much sense in my current state of mind, but seriously... If anybody is here because they have panic attacks, id really love to hear how others would define their experiences.



It's WILD that you are able to facilitate the emissions of such frequencies! 😍 Thank you and, Namaste. ☀


Al poner estos vídeos mi mente va a lo más profundo de mis pensamientos y sueño con mi futuro


The strength to achieve anything is inside you, all you have to do is find and take hold of it


Gracias por todo y dedicó estos sonidos a madre tierra


Essa tijela pode trazer por um momentâneo tempo paz e sono, porem Jesus me deu paz permanente mesmo em meio as tribulações e o sono Ele me da por que confio nEle, deito e logo adormeco porque minha confiança esta em Ti Senhor!


Who else if feeling the positive frequency from this? This is so beautiful. I have it playing in the dark, doing deep breathing and reading the book 30 Days to Reduce Stress by Harper Daniels by the glow of the bowls.


Es muy relajante y se medita muy bien con sonidos que hacen que uno vibra alto gracias 🙏❤


my new favorite thing to sleep to! it worked amazing. thank you!


Escuchar esto me quita el dolor de cabeza🥰🤩


Я честно пыталась расслабиться и уснуть, но когда раздавался короткий звон чаши, мой глаз постоянно рефлекторно дергался 😢 эх


Este sonido es efectivo contra el estres y mi hijo lo escucha y se relaja es un sonido que vale la pena llamar melodia


es el video favorito de mi gato y mío de toda la internet
