Yandere Bully Kidnaps You And Finds Your Scars | x depressed Listener | ASMR | roleplay

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Script by beepoinmyjeepo

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#yandere #kidnapping #bully #f4m #sleepaid #asmr #animeasmr #va #voiceacting
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I cried, listening to this. Looked down at my own scars, then cried some more. I've been clean for about 4 months now, but theres still times where I come close to relapsing.


Time to see if they're fren material

Edit: Terrible fren, they bullied us, driving us into a corner of misery and depression all for our attention. She saw a simple easy way to tear us down and make us focus on her and ran with it. Resulting in us well, doing what we did. She then comforts us, thinking that all we want is her reinforcement and support. And though it likely worked for the short term, we will bear scars and grudges. So overall bad fren, half decent intentions, but the worst way of executing it.


I’m not used to music being in these but for this it adds feeling. Also, to all of u ladies who may not be dainty, you have no idea how many guys dream of this dynamic.
Great audio. It made me cry a bit


I think in the end, being called a good boy will damage everything they say, as she is unable to truly reflect on her own actions. She almost is comforting, but misses the mark as they have to let go of their ego and seems to struggle to truly feel guilty.


I didn't expect to cry this morning, but here we are. This was a very interesting dive into the phyche and motivations of a bully, and I'm happy she's learned her lesson about how harmful and dangerous bullying can be. Hopefully, they can have a much healthier relationship now. I'd love to see where this goes. Your vocal performance was amazing, as always, and the music was perfect. Thank you for this. ❤


FWI: While this is a enjoyable and a possibly comforting story this is abusive behavior and is unacceptable in any relationship.
Beware of abuser's that say they will never do it again. They lie. The cycle of abuse is dangerous.
(maybe this isn't the best expression of this idea but I wanted to just to put that out there since it popped in my head)
Good audio


The ol' Loving Bully Trope. I love the presentation with the music. It really settles in the Happy Ending.

We had every right to fear her it seems like. Though beating us and choking us and a FUCKING SYRINGE?! TIED TO A CHAIR?! I'd be scared too!


I know how it’s feels like, I was bullying victim and see this video makes me remember my past and I cried see this video because it remember me in my past but here I am so excellent and motivated video thanks for your support and never leave by side


Hearing roleplay at the middle of the night nice 👌👌


7:32 Do you understand now?
8:19 Do it, then! You can't hurt me anymore than you already have! Not without killing me! SO DO IT! COME ON! I'M RIGHT FUCKING HERE!
9:40 Where do you even think I could go? ... what a joke.


I had someone in my life who was physically harming themselves so I can kind of relate to this if anyone is doing this please just reach out to someone


"There you go... That's my good boy..."


Stop. Fúçkíñg. Calling me that. . .
You. Lost. That right. To be able. To call me. All those 'petnames'. The very second. YOU CHOSE TO DO WHAT YOU DID. . .


I criex to this when i realized how many times i thought of offing myself since i was 8


Happier ending than expected, this may just work out


Presented like a good end but its not a good ending, they should stay out of the listners life.


Fantastic job, Naeco! Thank you and I hope you have a good day!


Alternate ending

The moment she unties the listener, they grab her neck and sufocate her to d*ath, relishing in the fear in her eyes, after the deed is done, they call the police, explain what happened and finnishe with "you will find two c*rpses in here ". When the police arrives they see a girl, with fear locked in her eyes, who was chocked to d*ath, whom they assume is the kidnaper, and a bit farther they see another body, with a slit throat and a smile on their face, whom they assume is the caller.

(You may say it's much darker but I think that people who hide their fillings by bullying need to pay the greatest price, either by being k*lled by their crush or be forced to watch them k*ll themselves )


Awsome we already started out with the f bomb I already love this :)


Now me personally I would never take that level of disrespect


Me a completely Non depressed person: I feel like I should not be here.
