A Message for Humanity - WingMakers -The Fifth Interview Subtitled

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Subtitles: The video has the option of automatic translation into more than 50 languages. This translation, today (2024), is quite good. You just have to activate the subtitles, access the automatic translation, and choose the language you want. Enjoy the video!


"The Sovereign Integral is the life force that powers the human consciousness. That is what each of us is when we are stripped naked of all illusion, of all deceptions, of all limitations, of all veils, of all functional implants." J. Neruda

The Fift Interview download the PDF:

"Each individual is a portal unto themselves, and this portal is the access point to the interdimensional worlds of the Sovereign Integral, where the human instrument, like a space suit, is finally removed and the individual realizes their true, infinite nature. And in this realization, understands that everyone – EVERYONE – is equal in this state, and in this equality we are ONE. The Grand Portal is when humanity stands-up as ONE BEING to this all-encompassing realization and then we transcend the suppression framework and express as Sovereigns." James Mahu

This video has been possible thanks to many people that have contributed with part of your material (see below) . Thank you very much to each of them:




And thanks also to all those physical beings, or not, who have helped that this material be published.

Blessings to all

Creative Commons Attribution 3.0
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I've watched this probably a hundred times. It's my go-to sleep all star


I say, thank you, to our future selves! All resonates within me deeply! I was waiting for this, and have dismantled 2.0


Thank you had experiences with Anu over 18 years ago and Marduk in last 8 years...Many Blessings and Gratitude as figured this out and so love your sharing as validates my experiences and knowing .... Love, Light and Twinkles XXXX


As Dr. Neruda said in this interview: this materials of Wingmakers for now are resonating only for certain people. If its not resonating with you, you might go without comment, coz by commenting in un supportive way, you only admit your fear to the field of vibrations, and that fear want touch the courages ones even a bit. So, natural advice here to the fearful is: ✨silence✨💚


Working on the seperation together....i decided to smile and say hi to everyone I encounter, at first it was weird, but now has gotten normal for me. I hadnt realized, how seperated we all are in our society. This process becomes easier, and then naturally becomes a part of us.

I also hadnt realized the deep prejudice i had, against a certain race, i was able to bring it up, and let it go. I think this was deep in my unconscious mind.
The wingmakers videos have helped me to develop my own plan on how to dismantle the control.
Thank you.


Watched this again thinking, yes of course “For we wrestle not against flesh and blood, but against principalities, against powers, against the rulers of the darkness of this world, against spiritual wickedness in high places.”

… and the implant I talked about in another thread is a gift from them no doubt. Blocking all higher centres and heart. Altering all into the chaos / fear frequency. Sly and incognito, feeding of weak points - making you loop in uncertainty and self blame. You stated “remember who you walk with” ✨ thank you!


This interview, left me with a profoundly awakening, one of which I cannot express in language terms. I have spread this message far and wide. It is, in my world, one of the hopes I've been waiting for. It literally has rocked me to my core, and I now feel free. I've watched it over twenty times, and each time, something clicks inside, in my heart, not my mind. I feel as if I'm truly home.


I am we are true Source integration in oneness wholeness and unity equality no time no space harnessing and breathing in the 6 heart virtues and feeling into them and blasting them out to the whole of humanity, with the divine of central source sun, and so it is🙏❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️


From an alchemical aspect, gold is life force energy for the soul. What if the annunaki were actually mining gold for the Orion Queen as a part of the energy harvesting needed for sustenance? So now, we have so many souls (humans) being harvested for energy as well as mining gold and today the Queen still reigns over the land... scary hypothesis but there is some truth resonating for me.


This is about inhaling love and exhaling fear


🙏seems like my life's journey has been preparing me for this (5th) interview. I Am:We Are 🔆


I have been reading about This last few days' only read the 1st Interview with Anne and Dr Anderson so far' seen your wonderful paintings and some of the poems' I am captivated and absolutely mind blown' incredible findings and knowledge' why has humanity not heard more about this incredible information' we know why' thank you for sharing and bringing this to light.


Wingmakers walk in front of us wingmakers behind wingmakers on the sides 6 heart virtues inside


Your information is really compelling at this time and there will be more pertinent information like this? O wow what a gift. By the way is the information from Pleiades by Barbara Marciniak is also coming from the right source or from under cover Anunnaki? As far as I know it is also interesting information although not as informative and compelling as yours. Thanks for your kindness toward humanity as a whole from the deepest part of me.


It is possible if everyone awake and realise the grand design, and we all see eachother with equally we can shutdown our biological suit, and we were in a true self. Everything is holographic designed to trap the sprite.


It is so... i like the idea that the holographic universe was inserted in our unconscious, as creator beings, all is within including including the All that is. This idea connected the puzzle piece of the kingdom is within. It's easier to read and ponder vs listen. The strength of the info is confirmed also with the disclosure of transhuman in 1998 and i chuckled when she asked what an App was. 5stars


Wholeness is inherent in visible excellence
The Wing Makers operate on the premise that the web of life meditates on the progressive expansion of photons The physical world is the continuity of great genes brought on by this "web."
Your desire is a reflection of self-righteous external reality that controls every aspect of your life.
Be well to each other and keep politics separate from yourself.


I appreciate this message but a different voice without the deep bass tone and echo effect would be easier to listen to for people like myself that have hearing issues. I will read the interviews instead. I know those of us who discover this message are meant to listen/read. Thank you so much ❤️


I have been reading the five interviews 3 times! And this fifth have to listening once again, to keep me aware! I bought the collections of the wing makers volume 1, but volume 2, I couldn't be able to find it! Is there's anyplace where I could be able to ordere it?
It's being 8 years since I discovered the first interview and 3 when I started to read them over and over! I have been trying to tell people about, the whole deception we are living in! But is truth that everyone is so into this system that doesn't matter how I try, they labelled me as radical crazy person! But doesn't matters!
Sincerely I trust everything that Dr Neruda has told us about, I became aware thanks to him, and will never give up!


Mother of gawd i didnt know about this side of the annunaki only that these bodies were for gold mining slavery
