Exploring Sharia Law: Controversies and Q&A - A Livestream with Lloyd De Jongh

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What is Sharia Law? Is it a divine law? What are some of its controversial teachings?

Join Al Fadi and Lloyd De Jongh as they do a livestream to discuss this hot topic and to put the spotlight on some of its controversies... Q&A will be entertained during the livestream...

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I don't know how many of Lloyd's shàrìå shows I've watched, and each new time, I'm left dumbfounded with what I hear, things I've heard b4, cos it's mind-boggling to think such law defines goodness and godliness


Great upload and Thanks Lloyd for sharing google docs of islamic material. May the Lord bless you and AlFadi. peace🕊


Enlightening. Al Fadi and Lloyd educate the public by citing the anomalies within the Sharia. 🌞 🍂 🐊


Lloyd is the new 007 Bond agent in Islamic Origins study 😁😁😁


As far as questions/requests.
Islam has it's own definitions for words - like Ambrose Bierce's "The Devil's Dictionary" - but without the humour.
I think these should be expounded - so that westerners can do the proper translations.
e.g. - as Lloyd pointed out - "Slander" in Islam is saying anything that someone dislikes, whether or not true.
Other examples are often used sayings:
"Islam does not kill innocent people!" But unbelievers are not "innocent" in Islam.
"Muslims can be friendly to unbelievers." But "friendly" is not "friend/friendship". Friendly is the outward appearance of cordiality - nothing more.
Islam wants to impose itself on the world - with it's own dictionary.


Fantastic research & well expressed.
Thank-you Brothers.


"Sharia" means "the way", but they keep it as a secret;
While JESUS said"
💞🌍🕊 🆚️ ⚔️📗⚔️


Waiting for the Muslims who were to cowardly to ask questions in the live stream to suddenly pop up… 😂


Once again, thanks for being so trustworthy!! ✝️🙏🏼🏴󠁧󠁢󠁥󠁮󠁧󠁿🇬🇧😊


This so called religion is so confusing and controversary. They can do whatever they want to. How do they KNOW that they can be saved?


The more one learns about Islam the more one can understand the hold it has on people. Eliminating dissent makes perfect sense. We have no defence against it in the West. It's far more sophisticated than Christianity. Clearly it's going to spread widely.


Lloyd you mention the Hedeya or Guide and the Reliance of theTraveler... Is Mukhtasar: The Ihyâ’ ‘ulûm ad-dîn as abriged by himself also that important and does it belong in the same category as Hedeya and Traveler?!
FYI... I have all three books 😤


"appetitive soul" you explain as "overcoming against disinclination to hate people / be violent" - very interesting that is there mentioned as "greater jihad"
1. In "Reliance" I couldn't find it. Please, in which book and page to find that text?
2. Is there another video, where you explain about their "overcoming against disinclination to hate people / be violent"?


@CIRA International Harira custom in Zaidi Shia subcommunity.
Ref: al muganee baanee imaam ibne-qadaama vol 7 page 485, javaade-muganiya baanee imaam jaafar al saadiq vol 5 page 222, phiqahe-islaamee baanee muhammad taqee al mudarrisee vol 2 page 383


This is really shocking. Such a sophisticated, cruel system.
It is also despiccable what Islam does to the character of its own people, teaching them to lie, to deceive in relation, to destroy their i
precious inner moral compass, to commit any atrocity if it is only for Islam. This ideology educates its believers to become narcisissitic psychopaths.
Run, if you can.

Thank you, Lloyd, for doing that deep dive into the abyss.


Re. the actual/real name of Allah. Has there been no indication from any Muslim scholar or ex-scholar what this name is? It's hard to believe that this hasn't been let out of the bag somewhere or at sometime. It would be good to know.


Imagine all the sin swept under the rug of Islam you can’t walk over this rug anymore it’s piled to high


Does this secret book of the scholars say which scholar is quoting what? As he said some are Muslim scholars and some are non Muslim scholars


Muslim countries have adopted the principle of equality in a broad, legal consensus. The member states of the Organization of Islamic Cooperation ratified a statement which stated this principle as follows:

البشر جميعاً أسرة واحدة جمعت بينهم العبودية لله والنبوة لآدم وجميع الناس متساوون في أصل الكرامة الإنسانية وفي أصل التكليف والمسؤولية دون تمييز بينهم بسبب العرق أو اللون أو اللغة أو الجنس أو المعتقد الديني أو الانتماء السياسي أو الوضع الاجتماعي أو غير ذلك من الاعتبارات. وأن العقيدة الصحيحة هي الضمان لنمو هذه الكرامة على طريق تكامل الإنسان
All human beings form one family whose members are united by their subordination to Allah and descent from Adam. All people are equal in terms of basic human dignity and basic obligations and responsibilities, without any discrimination on the basis of race, color, language, belief, sex, religion, political affiliation, social status, or other considerations. The true religion is the guarantee for enhancing such dignity along the path to human integrity.
Source: Cairo Declaration on Human Rights in Islam


Stay sharp, Lloyd.
Ya know, The Bible is replete with Prophecies which necessitate a condition of error which is present in ALL religions, at the Time of Messiah's Ascension to His Throne.
At that time (Dan. 11's 1335 = 5879/"2023"), "Christians", "Jews", & "Muslims" will have to abandon the lies which they've inherited from their fathers, if they are to Align with Messiah.
Religion is an idol, as it teaches respect of human interpretation, rather than Respecting The Self Existence.
"My Thoughts are Higher than your thoughts."
This is an important reason that The Self Existence remained silent on the subject of The Judges codifying their Judgments into a religion.
Thus, the respect of [t]almud, [c]hurch [d]octrine, and [s]haria, are different forms of worship of Carved Images, which is Expressly-Prohibited by The Instructions of The Self Existence.

In The Beginning, was The Word . . . and The Instructions were with God, and The Instructions were God.
"Christians" hate (lit. "to reject") The Instructions, because, JUST LIKE ISLAM & JUDAISM, they worship a space-case of a god, who consistently forgets to say what needs to be said, and changes his rules, to serve mankind's contemporary interpretations.

The Self Existence remains Innocent of error.
He is Perfect, and Unchanging.

The Sabbath is a Sign, until Heaven & Earth pass-away.
