LibreOffice Base (11) Radio Buttons

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Add a radio button to replace the Gender Textbox on an updated version of odb10, then we take the original odb10 output change the Gender field type from Fixed Character to VarChar, then we need to update the data in that field, then we can add the radio buttons and check out the data source.

The downloads to go with this series can be found here:
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I was struggling for days to set custom values to the radio options. I couldn't find this in any documentation, but it is here in this video!


This is very helpful -- exactly the information I was searching for. Thanks!


If you set the groupname in both option fields to say "gender" you can use the cursor keys to actually change the value when you tab into the so built radio-group.


Thank you for these tutorials they are very good. I found that if you typed the Data from the Calc file into the Base Table manually instead on importing the Calc file the option buttons worked how you demonstrated them within the video. I hope this helps


Sweet, I didn't know about the data source split view.


I was confused Why my Male Radio not working, Because I was using the same calc file (Downloaded from your Website).
Now after 9:09 Minute later of your Tutorial, It works.



2023 I am loving the tutorial. But also I dread how many employers must be going back and changing genders in their databases...


Using Base v5.4.3.2.. there are no double spaces behind Male/Female after switching the field to 'text [ VARCHAR ]'
After having changed the tab-order, the radio buttons are selected based on the recorded gender, however when putting in a new 'Employee' the radio buttons are skipped entirely, hitting the tab-key. It just goes from 'First Name' to 'Start Date', selecting every field after until it shows empty fields i.e. a new record.


What was the problem on the odb10 that you couldn't copy?


It didn't work for me. The buttons don't get selected into male or female when I navegate through the register.


Sir may I know how to remove menu bar on libre office forms?


In Base v5.3.1 adding the option button in the manor you shoe has no button image/icon although the button is functional.


IF THE RADIO BUTTON doesn't work properly here is the solution.
The author of the tutorial created that sex field with TEXT(fix)[CHAR] type and gave it 6 characters in length. This is fixed-length field which means when we write in there "Male" (with 4 characters) it saves "MaleXX" (with 6 characters) (for example where 'X' stands for space so it is Male with 2 spaces after it). And in our radio button's settings in the tab Data, we by mistake wrote down just "Male". And "Male" not equals "MaleXX".

So we need to put additional spaces after word 'Male' in the properties of the radio button, tab Data, field 'Reference value (on)'.
(6-4=2 spaces)
You can change the type of that sex field to TEXT[VARCHAR] in that case you don't have to put additional spaces after.


Thanks for the tutorials. Just FYI your Employees reference is misspelled for all your videos as Employess. I know it's meaningless regarding the tutorial but just FYI


I hope you don't mind if I use these tutorials (and your Linux ones) in my classroom. I teach software Development, and love how these tutorials are clear, concise, and use plain language without assuming the listener is brain-dead. Something I'll have to deal with though is this video. I'm 50 years old, raised in the 80's, so this is something I've had to learn. A portion of my students do not necessarily follow their DNA. Modern business practice at least acknowledges that there can be an "other" choice. Maybe you could revisit this, and update it? it would just require a third radio button. I'm sure many will think I'm being too sensitive or something. Maybe I am. I also have to deal with these issues and the teenagers' emotions about them on a daily basis. Regardless, I'll still use the videos and deal with any fallout. I just thought I'd address what my kids will hear : "If you aren't male or female, you are irrelevant".


And then in 2020, it's all screwed up and male and female doesn't quite make it....hahaha
