Life as a Seasonal Worker in Yosemite National Park: My experience and what its ACTUALLY like

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In this video, I take you behind the scenes as I show you what its actually like to be a seasonal worker in Yosemite National Park! I'll show you the housing situation, what my job was, what I did in my free time and if I recommend this experience to others!

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//B I O
Hello friends! I’m Erin Elyse, a part time farmer and part time traveler. I spend half of my year growing vegetables and flowers and the other half living in my newly bought and converted van. I also love checking National Parks off my list and backpacking! Subscribe if you are interested in learning more about my adventures!

// T I M E S T A M P S
00:00 Intro and Application
00:43 Housing
1:28 Shared Spaces
3:09 Bears
4:46 Internet
6:31 National Park Service vs. Concessionaires
7:17 Yosemite is like a town
8:14 Yosemite is busy
9:03 My Job
11:29 My Schedule
12:17 Biking Tips
13:32 Job Perks
14:14 Days Off
16:32 Overall Experience
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I had a similar experience in summer of 2000 while in college. Worked 5:30am - 2:30 in the lodge cleaning the pool, shining brass handles, taking out trash, sweeping everywhere, picking up cigarette butts, etc. but was mostly alone during those times. I did fall in love with someone on my ministry team for the first time ever. haha! I lived in Boystown and neohippies were everywhere! Riding to work from BT to the lodge at 5am was fun too. Dark is right! and chilly! Thanks for sharing! I’ve been trying to get back out there ever since. Proud i got to do some rad hikes too including halfdome and yosemite falls, among others. Sad I didn’t get to the high country though.


I worked in Yosemite way back in 1986. It was a great summer.


So good to know for anyone wanting to do seasonal work at Yosemite!!! ❤️


I did a year and a half at Yosemite back in 2018-19, it was interesting to say the lease. Made some great friends, had some amazing crazy experiences, happy I did it, but its very easy to get swept up in the drug culture there. That being said, living their is dirt cheap, rent is nothing, if you work with food there you usually can get away with getting most your meals for free (homie hookups are huge there, we all helped each other out while fucking over Aramark any chance we got) So if you want to be able to save a bunch of money in a short amount of time, while still having a social life and having fun, its a great option.


Too bad you did not work at the Ahwahnee hotel, you would have avoided the internet problems😂... I was going to Yosemite 3 or 4 times a year when I was living in San Francisco, but never in the summer. My absolute favorite month to visit the park is October. The waterfalls are gone, but it is so quiet, colorful, and it is the best time to see animals.


I’m trying to get a seasonal job this summer and enjoyed this video. Thanks!


Love the post! Worked summer of ‘92 in Yellowstone at Lake Yellowstone in the hotel kitchen! Hiked tons throughout the park! Amazing Summer! Highly recommend it!!


As my name might suggest Yosemite has a place for me. I worked year round from 2010 to 2016. I left just as Aramark was taking over, not due to anything concerning them, the transition was just a good time to go. I bypassed some of the issues you had. Internet for instance. I started out in Lost Arrow cabins right under the falls almost. I ended up with a single dorm room behind the garage.
Not about me though.
I highly encourage anyone having that few months during the summer and wanting a life experience job to look into really any of the major concessionaire served parks. I know even places like the Kennedy Space Center has concessions but the real differences will be places like Yosemite, Denali, Grand Canyon. I worked with a person that was doing those three each summer in rotation and doing bookkeeping for her dad the rest of the year. She might have been having to best life of anyone ever.

I would love to hear about some of the folks that were there when I was. If anyone remembers the tall dude in Grocery at thye main store say hello.


Thank you for this video! I got a job in Yosemite that starts this winter & I’ve been looking everywhere for more info! ❤


I used to work in the warehouse when it was all still in the valley. I left when they moved some of the stuff to Fresno.


we've gone every summer since 2017. It's so interesting to hear how employees experience the park. if I were young again, I'd definitely want to have this experience.


Watched this whole thing as in my head I quit my job and move to Yosemite at least 5x a year 😂 Ty for uploading


You’re my favorite YouTuber! Thanks for sharing the positive vibes of life!


Just stayed at the Ahwahnee….Aramark price gouges and pays workers minimum wage. If you are not in the Top 5% you cannot afford to stay at the Ahwahnee…they also nickel and dime…$30 per day for parking. They think it is Dubai. Never again…I will camp at Camp 4 for $10.00. Good luck trying to call Aramark for any information…NOBODY will ever answer the phone. Aramark might lose the Crater Lake concession. I hope Yosemite wises up kicks Armark out.


I loved this information! I too would love to work at Yosemite for a season and this was great info. Love your channel too. Awe, to be young beautiful and carefree!


Thanks sharing. Visited Yosemite in Oct less crowds, stayed at Aw.. under const. a lot closed amenities, but still worth it.


Sounds an awesome job to do and get to see the park at the same time


Sounds like a cool experience overall. Nice to wake up to the beauty of the nature of the park everyday


That sounds like such a cool and fun summer job!!!


Also, the thing with dealing with tourists is that most go on vacation expecting to be babied plus there may be language/culture barriers. Had to step in several times bc grown men were yelling at 19 year olds bc of a rule they weren’t aware of
