ON THE BASIS OF SEX | Official Trailer | Focus Features

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In the fight for equality, she had no equal. Felicity Jones is Ruth Bader Ginsburg in #OnTheBasisOfSex, featuring the new original song by Kesha, “Here Comes The Change.”

The film tells an inspiring and spirited true story that follows young lawyer Ruth Bader Ginsburg as she teams with her husband Marty to bring a groundbreaking case before the U.S. Court of Appeals and overturn a century of gender discrimination.

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Every time I watch the movie I can't stop thinking about the fact that this was only like 50 years ago, it wasn't too long we were fighting against laws that are highly unconstitutional... I would like to thank all the generations that made this change possible


“The word ‘woman’ does not appear”
“Nor does freedom”


“Who was it for, if not for me?” is my favourite line in this film. You can tell this is what made her come back fighting after being told to give up, she knew she needed to put the changes in motion that would allow her daughter the opportunities she was denied based on her gender.


"The law assumes a caregiver has to be a woman. This is sex-based discrimination against a MAN."
Very well said. This prejudice of fixed gender roles has, to this day, pressured so many men from exercising their well-deserved right to participation in housework and childcare (e.g. in many countries still, men are publicly shamed for washing dishes and changing diapers) and driven so many divorce cases to the separation of loving fathers and their children because, importantly (not saying this is the only reason), mothers are assumed to be naturally better caretakers and, in reality, are indeed often better because they have also been pressured to compromise their work/career for childcare and so, of course, are more knowledgeable and skilled at something they've been practicing for a long time.

All those angry men's rights activists really should spend more time and energy on fighting against traditional gender identity&roles because that is where truly lies the cause of the injustices they are suffering from.


Misogyny hurts not only women but men too. Historically when men would put women in a box and limited their rights in the past, they stifled their own opportunities in the process. One example of this is how some men view being a parent in their child’s lives as something that can be solely the mom’s responsibility. This leads to a lot of children not having a positive father role model in their lives. We have made it far but there’s still a lot of work to do. Discrimination of any kind pushes us all back. It stunts the growth of our country, to nations and to the world. This movie was so well done, Would definitely recommend.


We lost a titan last night. May she rest in peace. I have not cried this hard for the death of someone I have never met. She was a national treasure.


You live on forever by your legacy. We will not let you down.


Discrimination on the basis of sex period is/was unjust. RBG was a genius to showcase how EVERYONE loses in an unjust system. RBG fought the proper fight for both men and women to be allowed to take on all roles in greater society. RIP LEGEND! Also, Marty is the dream partner <3 RBG worked hard but she was quite blessed with a great support team!


And the husband of the year award goes to Armie Hammer's character! 🙌


The word woman does not appear in the constitution?? What was his argument supposed to be- that women dont exsist? 😂


RIP Ruth Bader Ginsberg
Hard to believe she’s passed


Who's watching this right after learning about RBG passing away...Rest in Peace Ruth


I have watched this trailer so many times, and I tear up each time. Such a wonderful story about this amazing, trailblazing woman who was brave enough to take it all the way to the Supreme Court on several occasions to change the letter of the law. And props to her husband for being such a supportive partner to her throughout his life. CANNOT WAIT TO SEE THIS! Notorious RBG!


Rest in Peace RBG, I think I’m gonna give this movie another watch tomorrow.


Anyone here after hearing of her passing? 😔😔 Rest In Peace Ruth ❤️❤️


Holy shit. Felicity Jones? Kathy Bates? Armor Hammer? Justin Theroux? Sam Waterston? Stephen Root? Yo. I’m there.


The song they picked for this sounds better suited for a 50 Shades of Grey trailer.


I like how this is about a case where she helps a man that's being discriminated against but there's men in the comment section hatin'.


Ruth Bader Ginsburg. May her memory be a blessing. She impacted the world in such a profound way.


This film is so incredibly good. :) I was crying by the final court scene. It's amazing to see how much has changed in such a short time thanks to women like RBG.
