BREAKING: China Circles Around U.S. Military in Hypersonic Weapons

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The hypersonic sector has seen a meteoric rise in advancements in the recent few years with majority of these coming from a single nation alone. This nation, being quiet initially stunned the world when one of its hypersonic vehicles circled around the globe, setting a bar so high, none others could touch it. The nation, without a doubt, is none other than China who currently sits as the sole hypersonic superior in the whole wide world and we still haven’t seen its full potential yet!

Today’s episode will uncover how China is extremely advanced than the rivals, particularly the US in hypersonic weapon supremacy.

#chinanews #china #hypersonic

00:00 – Intro
01:40 - China’s Insane Hypersonic Advancements
04:40 - China Surpassing The US?
06:50 - Hypersonic Is Just the Start!
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The US and the West will always underestimate China ability to match them in every field of development. They will say China is 10 years, 20 years or even 30 years behind their development. It is good that they continue to have this estimated view


China has 4X the population of the USA. So it's no surprise that China also has 4X the number of STEM graduates every year than the USA.

In other words, China possesses enormous brain power. By comparison, the USA is a midget. So we should expect China to be far more advanced militarily. And it is.


Never, ever, underestinate China's prowess ! ❤️🇨🇳❤️


Contrary to NATO the warmonger organization, China has a department defense, not offense. China has been leading in military weapons since beginning of time, that is why China is the only country that has 5000 years continuous history.


Leading the world without shooting a single bullet!


Peace prosperity & harmony, No war 🙏🙏🙏😢


China’s hypersonic missiles are so sophisticated that they could destroy any military base on earth without warning because of their unpredictable flights at hypersonic speed. The USA is still in the 20th century with their vulnerable personnel in physical military bases which can be detected easily from the satellites. China’s 6G communication system enables massive data from the satellites to be transmitted with very high speed to the hypersonic missiles which make the routes unpredictable but accurate as they fix the target at mach 5 or above.


I believe that the same infrastructure China got on the surface of the mainland they got the same infrastructure under ground-because they are the king of infrastructure they can build faster than any can


2:37 "The US has historically relied upon superior technology and rigerous technology, to maintain its edge". This is true and it is now being shown up as a very poor way of conducting foreign policy. To maintain that sort of "edge", it is neccessary to keep up, e.g. the flow of engineers and scientists from your own universities. It is also neccessary to keep up the indigenous supply of essential raw materials and to maintain the indigenous manufacturing base.
In addition to neglecting the above, the US has, by relying upon its military power to force other countries to bend to its will, antagonized a large number of countries. By regarding the opinion of other countries and peoples as entirely negligible, the US has got itself into a relatively weak and isolated position and having regarded diplomacy as an unneccessary frippary for so long, the US finds itself without even the diplomatic skills to navigate the problems it finds itself enmeshed in.


Anyone who has spent their lives aimlessly reading about WWII will have a general idea that logistics and a vast production ability helped the US and Soviet Union to slowly overwhelm the initial shock of the war, and just basically bury the Axis in stuff. PLUS some exciting technical secret breakthroughs, we were able to build big factories during the war, we've all heard the story. But: Big production, big country, food and weapons and logistics all over the place, I think we've all heard this many times. Somehow we don't notice that CHINA is now in this position! More Engineers, more factories, more logistics... AND (the part we can't see even though it's in plain sight) more co-ordination, more long-range planning. Now here's something that we don't see and is NOT QUITE obvious but I think might be important: (I assert without proof) The plan for War Production in China is already in place! Yes! I think it is their WAY to plan like this. Remember those Covid Hospitals that were built in like two weeks? IMPOSSIBLE to imagine that something like that was done from scratch in that time! I BETCHA every factory in China already has a War Production Plan, maybe with drawings and tooling and co-ordination already in place and updated from time to time. AND ALSO they have a large and growing body of Engineers, a rising school system, and a basic ability to bring out new stuff quickly. We see people raising hell with drones every day in modern warfare, let's take a moment to imagine what people can do who can lift up a thousand drones at once FOR FUN, to draw a picture in the sky.... What if we make them mad? What if an ordinary day on the battlefield involves being attacked by a thousand drones at once? One cargo-container full....


Menacing to the US ? What about US 7th fleet loitering around China's Pacific coast for decades to menacingly threathening China


That's an opportunity to ask for trillions of $ ... 😂


you forget, USA has limited resources. and the cost of war for USA is too costly. Everytime USA fire a missle, USA will loose billions USD. Everytime a ship or vehicles get damage or destroyed, they losse billions. The war with Iraq and Afghanistan put our debts limit in the trillions.


China has the right to defend its land and allies😂


4:25 "While the US and its allies have relied upon superior technology, greater funding and better-trained forces, to compensate for this numerical disadvantage. . . . ." The problem is obvious! The numerical advantage is 1.4 billion to 343 million or 4 to one, and the superior technology does not look that superior any more, the greater funding is a dubious concept (!) and the better-trained forces, is also arguable though untested and the US, unlike China, is having difficulty recruiting for its forces.


Fear mongering, hyping up a threat out of nothing, fear of retribution because they do unto others what they don't want others do unto them.


China does not provoke other nations to war, but weapons are more for defence


Even though they don't own their work, the innovators are the smartest people in the room. Smart enough to know their work is helping the empire sow slavery. We're just seeing the results of those innovator who will not let the West exploit their talents.


It is ok, because nobody is threatening Chinese hegemony. Stay cool bro.


It doesn’t baser me China 🇨🇳 is not at our borders
