EASY $189 Mini Gaming PC You Can Build Yourself!

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Mini PC’s are normally pretty expensive compared to full size systems. This one may be the exception at only $189! This one is especially cool because we are actually installing a dedicated graphics card! Will it be good for the price or is it not worth it?

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Build This Gaming PC Yourself (Affiliate links)

RX 560 GPU

HP Elite desk 705 G4 Mini

HP 150w Adapter


GVGMALL 25% discount code: TB20

The Toastybros is comprised of Matt and Jackson, two tech heads with a passion for creating content. They have been creating content for years on YouTube and the Toastybros has become their most successful channel. Please consider subscribing to see more content like this! ✌👊
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Be AWARE - Not all Mini PC's have the Graphics card port soldered onto the board. Which means you can't just buy this for ANY 800g5


I would highly recommend getting the lid with the holes in it from the 65 watt unit, or drilling ventilation holes. Your GPU is thermal throttling. The GPU itself consumes around 40 Watts + 35 Watts for the CPU == A TON of heat. Additionally there is a VGA BIOS mod that exists for the GPU that allows you to push the power levels up a little bit, and unlock extra performance.


1:13 intro and sponsor end, video starts


I just want to say THANK YOU!

I already own the exact model and have done light research to try to figure out what kind, if any, of external GPU I could use. All of them seem to be an arm and a leg.

So, this seems like it will be a worthwhile shot for what I'm looking for.

I have no intention of playing games, but I do some rather intensive projects in Illustrator and if you could game, it should be able to get closer to what I need.

If nothing else, it could push back the time frame on me getting something newer, greater, more obvious in a laptop.

I know I'm not your target audience and this was long to not be in that group, but this was incredibly helpful to me.

Thanks for testing it and showing how to install!


At 4:30, it has the all important "Callout Text" feature. That's important for a gaming PC! :)


in the fortnite pre launch settings, enable pre-download streamed assets. it pre-downloads skin models instead of downloading them during a game


I use this PC as a personal GameServer for Rust & Minecraft, and it works absolutely perfect 👌


FYI for anyone interested in this concept.
I have an HP Slimline 290 that I upgraded in a similar fashion.
CPU upgraded from a Celeron to an i5-9500 and the gpu to a Gigabyte RTX 3050 OC Low Profile 6GB. I had to "trim/shorten" the 4 prong CPU power plug on the cable side to fit the card flush with the pcie slot. My first card (an Asrock Arc A380 low profile) was shorter and didn't hang over that plug in the motherboard, so it fit just fine.


Almost done getting parts for my first pc
Still need the gpu and monitor. I am so excited


For anyone considering this, I STONGLY recommend you look at one of the mini PCs with the Ryzen 6800H or 6900HX. While these are mobile CPUs, they run laps around the G series 2000 chips. The 2000G series had weaker CPU power than 1st gen Ryzen, and its iGPU is weaker than any mobile Ryzen 5 from the 4000 series onward. You can find the mini PCs on sale for around 350 if you wait - and you can get one of the 5000 series pcs for even less, but in modern games it will only be slightly better than this 2400G.


Gotta say, my Lenovo think centre (tiny pc) with i7 9700(not t) and rx 6400, 1tb nvme, 32gb ddr4 sodim and two 2 inch holes cut over the GPU and CPU kicks ass with the AMDs new fluid frame motions 2 (beta) is amazing.


05:15 - "... It's better than a traditional office pc."

07:55 - "... upgrading, like, an old office pc with a budget GPU would be a FAR better solution."


Another option if you are crafty enough. I have seen someone take one of these, use a PCIE riser/adapter and put an RX 6400 in it. You might be able to find one short enough to put some electrical tape on the back of the PCB and stuff down into the case. Cuts small slits on the top for some air and make sure the DisplayPort is accessible. Beefy little boy it would be.


2ND DAY, VIDEO IDEA: The all Pawnshop Gaming set up & The all Goodwill Set up


If your case is not meant for to have that card in it it will throttle terribly. The case intended for that card has vent holes populating the entire top of the case. Couldn’t tell if you had that or not. There is another creator who had the non vented case and took a drill and made holes to emulate the intended enclosure. Worked a treat!


I got two intel versions of this for... $15. The business that bought them thought they were broken. They were using the wrong power supply. I might go ahead and pick up these GPUs and power supplies to make them both a bit more usable. Thanks.


Toasty Bros are the only people i know that could build either a working potato or a £5, 000 And they'd still show/play test
Because hey, that's all us PC players play


That's awesome. I bought this exact thing and put in the GPU in. It's fine for Minecraft, even acceptable at 4k. I did have to buy the hundred-and-something-watt PSU for it -- with the original PSU connected, it literally wouldn't even post with the GPU in!


It overheats badly, the graphics card doesn't support a good gaming experience, overall. It does exactly what it did before we upgraded it and not much more.


That's pretty awesome! I'm very tempted to give this a shot, but that thing is begging for some ventilation! You can see that silver vane near the back directing the air upward, but the lid covers it up. Drill some ventilation holes there and that will surely help a ton! I'd be interested to see what that looks like through a thermal camera before and after, and how the GPU performs if/when you can keep it cooler.
