Understanding baby’s wake windows | Quick Tips For New Parents

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Learning your baby’s wake windows will help your baby fall asleep and stay asleep longer. Remember the wake window includes all the time your baby is awake from when they wake up until they fall asleep again - including nappy changes and feeds.
Look out for sleep cues during the wake window and use these to cue when to try to put your baby down for a nap/sleep.
Sleep cues include:
• yawning
• erratic movements
• becoming quiet, not wanting to play
• crying, grizzling or fussing
• rubbing their eyes, red puffy eyes
• making a sleepy sound or pulling faces
Have some quiet time with your baby before their nap/sleep; this might include a gentle cuddle, a quiet song or a story - whatever works for your baby. Try to stick to the same routine so your baby knows that sleep is coming. Your baby may only need a few minutes of quiet time before they're relaxed enough and ready to be put down to sleep. 💤 #mumsoftiktok

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