FFmpeg in 100 Seconds

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FFmpeg is a legendary multimedia processing tool used to edit audio and video files programmatically. It can covert and transform over 100 different codecs and is integrated into many applications under the hood.

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- What is FFmpeg?
- FFmpeg tips and tricks
- FFmpeg quick start tutorial
- Who created FFmpeg?
- How do I build my own video editing software?
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Bellard is *the most* underrated programmer imo. ffmpeg, qemu, tcc and quickjs are all awesome software I discovered independently before realizing they were written by the same guy


The cool thing is that it's also so fast you can use it with live footage.
Once I used ffmpeg to rotate my webcam footage by 90°. Worked flawlessly.


Video editing aside, I can plug a video in it with zero arguments and it some how comes out with a ~80% smaller file size and no noticeable quality loss. That alone is such a game changer, I've got a right click script for it and everything


FFmpeg is so useful in the VFX/CG industry, it's used for converting textures, encoding reviewables from several different outputs, adapting output with stuff like slates and overlay data for client review, subtitles, using FFprobe for capture certain EXR metadata, the list could really go on for paragraphs.

It really tells you something when FFmpeg is far more flexible and useful than Autodesk's RVIO, which costs thousands for licenses and doesn't even have 5% of the functionality of FFmpeg.


ffmpeg is a very hard workhorse that few recognise and the giants abuse by call it theirs. Literarally its coding is everywhere on media players with many times included without even open source acknowledgement. Most of the video editing software around is just recompiled wrappers of this gem. P.S. I did my university project in mpeg long time ago (compression and decompression of bytestream using fft2 and performance analytics).


as someone who works with the C api, ffmpeg is the tool I have the strongest love-hate relationship with. The api can be an absolute struggle at times, but it's incredible that we have such a powerful open source tool at our disposal.


It's such a complex program that it would take 100 hours to fully explain how to use it, yet 100 seconds can give you enough of the basics to allow most people to use it as they need it on a daily basis. The only thing I would've added is that the order of arguments matter.


2:05 Still cracks me up everytime seeing that 'ASS' file, LMAO😂🤣


Ffmpeg is one of those tools I just cant live without. I have many aliases set up and they make my life way easier


I use this since I got into Linux in 2008 and I even teach all my friends how to use it. Since all of these Converter Tools are nothing else then FFmpeg with adware.


So glad FFMPEG is getting the recognition it deserves. Had been using it since day one and lovin it eversince


Ffmpeg is a blessing. That is the thing that solidified my programming journey at its beginning.


I knew it was powerful but this is just unreal. Thanks as always for the incredible content.


Ffmpeg is one of the most powerful programs i know! I've never seen a program learning Curve similar to it! From the simplest cutting or converting of Videos to gpu based live Resolution encoding for rtmp! Such a powerful tool!!


FFMPeg is the goat. our entire company's video infrastructure is relaying on it and it works amazing.
There are so many options is really crazy to think about the work that went into this tool.


ffmpeg is really good.
I use it to create partially transparent videos (rgb + alpha channel). Those can be imported in basically any video editor. They work in OBS too.
I'm using the codec "qtrle" and output format "mov".


When you also have youtube-dl and put the ffmpeg executable in the same directory, you have the ultimate tool for downloading videos from the internet.
That’s because youtube-dl has certain actions written into it, that will be automatically done by ffmpeg like merging the audio and video file of a downloaded YouTube video together (since with high-resolution downloads audio and video are two separate files).


bruh your editing and design just keeps getting better and better 👀💕👏


it can handle literally anything and i love it for that. the guy who made it is the saviour of media buffs


FFmpeg is a bit to video what ImageMagick is to images. There is also another audio/video library called GStreamer which I think is a bit like FFmpeg but I guess more oriented towards playback than encoding.
