33. Hornby R3750 British Belmond Pullman Train Pack Review

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Another day another train pack review, I have an impulse buying problem it seems. Hornby train packs are known to be good value deals, so I'm hoping this one will meet the mark. For the money, I Paid for this pack I'm pleased that it has a very good level of quality and appeal but it's not without its problems as you will see. Hopefully, you enjoy the video and as always please smash the like button and share and subscribe at your leisure! Until the next instalment Happy Model Railroading!
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I bought the Belmont train pack 2 years ago. Did have problems with the couplings as I have 1st radius curves on my inner track and have incline and decline track on the outer track. I replaced all the tension couplers with #20 Kadee couplers and have no problems since. Good to see you back.


Just bought this pack, coming on Saturday so thought I'd give your review a quick watch


"Something I don't need but I bought it anyway" I'm sure we all have been there! What a lovely set. I've eyed this off for ages just because they are Pullman carriages. Big fan of them. The set you have looks brilliant, really envious of you there. Great running shots as well to boot. All the best, Clint


Hope you managed to fix your coupler problem.It really is a fantastic looking train pack.


Great video I tossing up on gettinga 67, bought 2 Dapol Locos a 29 & 52 and Honrby 66, sent both them all back as they were faulty. Waiting on a Bachmann Class 66 to get through customs I do hoppe its a good one. Im an Aussie from Sydney living in Paris at present.


Awesome set and nice running session too!! Cheers Onno.


I agree with the issues on the Pullman carriages. They are buggers to keep on the track. I have the Belmond Pullman with both 67s, 5x steel K type and also 5x Brighton Belle carriages (as per the prototype Belmond Pullman) and Bachmann Mk1 BG and BSK. Runs lovely as a set but it does not like curves, especially running top and tail. Still working on solutions to improve, do let us know if you have an ideas.


Great review I have the same loco and 5 coaches, no derailment issues so far now im worried 😂


I have the same Hornby Pullman coaches but when being pulled along by the loco the lamp lights flicker but when the coaches are stationary they stay on constantly.
Why is this?
