Childhood Epilepsy. Does it affect Learning and Speech Delay?-Dr. Advait Kulkarni | Doctors' Circle

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Dr. Advait Kulkarni | Appointment booking number: 08310021492
Consultant Neurologist | HSR Neuro Clinic, Bangalore
Some of the childhood epilepsy can affect your child’s learning and speech capacity. However the good news is that for those whose seizures are getting controlled with one medicine can outgrow their seizures and they may not have learning and seizures problems. However in some cases some medicines can cause hyperactivity can affect the concentration in children which further lead to learning disabilities. It is very important to discuss with your neurologist.
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I was diagnosed with Epilepsy when I was 2.
I had a speech delay that lead to me flunking Kindergarten.
I had my Seizure Tumor surgically removed when I was 8.


Hi Dr, can foccal epilepsy in toddlers have similar traits like autism.


Hi Doctor
My younger brother has 75% Intellectual Disability with severe Seizure disorder.
Doctor told me to control Seizure first and on that basis Intellectual Disability could be treated.


Sir, can you please help, my kid having Epelapsy, he is 3 years ols, not even talking...we are at banglore, can we take appointment...


My 4 years daughter had seizure attack two months before and doctor starts Levetracitm 2ml BD. Before seizure attack she speaks and make sentences, Now she did not speak anything and try to communicate through pointing fingure toward anything. Plz guide me.


My son has developmental delay and silent seizures when he sleeps, slight jerks an breathing switches. He is taking sodium valprate syrup for over 5yrs now. He cannot seat in one place for minutes. He cannot not speak clearly. He is 8yrs old


Hello Doctor, My 9 month old son was diagnosed with Focal epilepsy and the neurologist has suggested with leveTiracetam (Keppra). I have read lot of side effects with Keppra. What should I do now? Please help


my son 2 year 9 month old, he is starting having Staring Spells: staring blankly and not responding to speech or a touch on the arm. usually last for about 10 seconds.
Jerk: Sometimes they include symptoms like jerk which repeats multiple times for 1 or 2 seconds.
Looks Like absence seizures
My question is this can be cured and do not have dependency on medicine for whole life.
Doctor Starts with clobazam 5gm in night for the first month.
EEG not done as waiting for appointmemt for neurologist


my son has a speech disorder and has epilepsy
