John MacArthur to Joe Biden: “You’d better be Careful when you put your hand on God”

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Pastor John MacArthur gave a scathing rebuke of Joe Biden ‘s Inaugural address back in 2021, a rebuke that’s still important today for all Christians to hear.

(The rights to this video belong to John MacArthur, Grace Community Church, Grace to You.)
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"God doesn't want your respect, He wants your obedience."



Suddenly i felt a huge fear of God. Thank Jesus for the HUGE reminder through John Macarthur. Forgive me God for my sins....


All stand in front of our my LORD on Judgement Day. All.


Thank you, Dr John MacArthur, for speaking out against the wicked politicians.


Amen and Amen, God bless you pastor McArthur, for standing for God's Holy Word.


This man speaks the truth..
All praise and glory to King Jesus


Thank you Mr. JMcArthur for standing up and speak out against these evil politicians


Just preaching the true gospel my brothers and sisters. I pray for the lost souls and for our government and the people in it.


Yes. Gos doesn't want your 'respect'. He wants your obedience!


It is amazing how so many Christians have fallen away from the teachings of Christ. Remember salvation can only be found through him.


The key to the Christian life is obedience!


Amen 🙏 to that Pastor John MacArthur! I’ve been Going to his church, Grace community in Sun Valley. Since I was five years old. I am now 45. He is a true warrior for God and I was so proud to see him fight for the church when Covid wanted to shut all the churches down, he took it to the Supreme Court and won Because he was able to defend our constitutional rights that say that church is essential anyways love hearing truth from a man of God!


Yes it is written.. ."God will not be mocked!.. for what a man sows so shall he also reap.. .God bless you pastor John MacArthur, for you have been a good and faithful servant of our Lord and Savior.. .rightly dividing "The Word of Truth.., and Gods Word is Truth!.. Thank you, for your service and faithfulness in your preaching.. ."l have been, and being washed by the water of the word and am growing by the grace of God, being sanctified from glory to glory!awaiting the day of His coming!.. "Bless Be He Who comes in "The Name of The Lord!...Ever, Forever.. Amen, amen


Thank you Pastor for telling us things we need to know.


Godliness doesn't come to mind when thinking of Joe Biden.


I thank the Lord for your bravery. Very few pastors have the courage to speak the truth.


Praise God, someone said exactly what I thought and said !🙏


If we want to KEEP God on our side in this nation, we must turn from all evil, abortion, perversion, lying, stealing, cheating, and we must put on the whole Armour of Jehovah and prepare for battle. All thru-out the Bible, God's people had to fight for what was right and what was and IS Godly. Praying is just part of that armour. While we are sitting still and doing nothing to back up our prayers, evil abounds. Just like when TRUE churches stood still and didn't fight against evil people taking the Bible and Prayer out of schools and public places, now things have gotten even worse. I've heard people say, I've done my part, I prayed, but we must always do something to show God that we mean those prayers by standing against evil. I know that voting has been one way to stand against evil, but any more, too many people have turned their backs on God and allowed Satan to permeate the voting system. We'll never win another election as long as we allow satan to grip the voting system as he has done several times, not just in 2020, but before in Obama's 2nd term and even back when Clinton was voted in and in several of the state and local elections. There are just too many that support some type of abortion and partial birth abortion and all sorts of perversion in our country for us to have God to bless this country anymore. God has blessed this country for many years. Now we have turned from Him, and now evil abounds. After the 2nd world War, people slowly stopped attending church and stopped taking their children to church, and it kept going that way for years until finally very few attend truthful churches and now churches all across this nation have had to close their doors because of the lack of attendance causing financial struggles. And false teachings also have caused churches to close down. But it seems that false teaching so-called churches are growing because it's easier to go to a place where your toes don't get stepped on, and they teach what a person wants to hear instead of truth. It's going take more than prayer because Prater us just a part of our works. Faith without works is dead. (James)


Thank you for speaking TRUTH no matter who it offends


We're not to take oaths. We are to swear by nothing and on nothing. Matthew 5:33-37
