NEW TIER LIST for PATCH 13.11 - League of Legends

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0:00 - Introduction
0:52 - Systems
6:04 - Top Changes
6:35 - Top Tier List
7:09 - Jungle Changes
8:43 - Jungle Tier List
9:12 - Mid Changes
10:49 - Mid Tier List
11:17 - ADC Changes
12:55 - ADC Tier List
13:40 - Support Changes
14:52 - Support Tier List
15:26 - SkillCapped & Outro

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I love that Rell is getting changes to her kit, but at the same time I'm also seeing 90% of her kit's numbers being nerfed.
Damages being reduced (she didn't deal much damage to begin with)
Cooldowns being increased
Crash Down is getting all nerfs in every possible aspect

It hurts me as a Rell main to see so much of her kit getting shot like this. Hopefully the other updates help her, but right now this looks like a lot of pain as a Rell main, especially with all of the Enchanter spam going around right now thanks to Helia.


There's a mistake in the Rek'Sai changes: the burrowed Q reveal duration is going *up* not down, from 2.5 seconds to 5 seconds.


I'm pretty sure Asol is still gonna be OP tier with the nerfs to his E. The fact that his abilities just keep getting larger as the game goes on.. It's just broken at the end of the game when his abilities cover an entire lane.


Wasn't the entire point of kraken slayer to be an anti tank item...but now it only does physical damage the main type people build defensive against the utility if the item has gone down significantly regardless. Even after the changes it was still a good rush on some champs cause of the hybrid nature but now it's practically only viable as a win more option on most champs imo


I like how they forgot to talk about Kaisa on the SR -5ad nerf. Kaisa doesnt get her Q evolve as early anymore. She has to change her whole first item!


Getting rid of kalista auto miss when u lose vision is about time.. was probably one of the stupidest things to ever do to her


Number 15 Azir in A Tier. The last thing you'd want in your Skill Capped Tier list is an Azir in D Tier.


aphelios nerf? bros been c tier for ages. i play him tons and he still feels weak early and i understand he has to be very tuned to prevent him from being a one shot god but my lord bruh.


love how some champs get immediately nerfed when op for one patch but they let shit like kha'zix and jinx op for patches. Was fun to play Jhin one patch. rip


8:58 Nice riot moment, kha'zix w flies right through lee sin


FFS revert sunderer, its obnoxious to make it do less damage to tanks and more damage to squishies early its completely against what the items identity should be


8:08 reksai's reveal duration on burrowed Q was buffed to 5 seconds, not nerfed lol. Would be harsh nerfing her after taking away prowlers claw


I really dont understand why they nerfed stormrazor and galeforce like this... The problem of galeforce doing too much damage i understand it but having adc's that can run at 600 ms with fleet stormrazor and galeforce seems the issue not the damage from stormrazor...


i cant wait for my Rell to come out! I havent been able to play the PBE so this will be fun indeed!


If it's a buff they want, I hope they rethink "buffing" Navori's. The reason I go for the item over IE is because I wanna spam, my skills more often... not necessarily just do more damage. It's the crit cooldown reduction item, not the give me more AD crit item.


I really really really can't understand why they're buffing kraken when it's been bugged the whole patch, it doesn't work properly with guinsoo, it does not proc every 2 autos, the animation goes off but the dmg doesn't they haven't fixed that the whole patch but they still take it as the item being weak, i think the item it's fine as long as it works properly, most adcs that pick kraken also get guinsoo. basically the item not doing the dmg it should do


I really like static as an alternate first item on yone/yasuo after boots. Gives you a good amount of d-push and poke in matches they struggle in. They also have plenty of mobility so not going stormrazor doesn’t feel in that bad at all. They extra shove does let you try to roam a bit against champs that can’t push in kid like lux.


Been running Helia on Soraka, even with those moonstone buffs there is little need for me to build it if I get Helia + Redemption, I'd lose out on a ton of damage and extra healing if I built moonstone :/


Echoes of Helia ia not nerfed at all, none completes it before 6 and the healling and dmg adjustment is extremely minor...


i would like if the buffed the hp on renektons ult back where it used to be ( 250-500-750) instead of the ult damage buff
