Lego WW1 - The Gallipoli Campaign - stop motion

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In the latter months of 1914, with the trenches of World War One bringing the war in Europe to a standstill, the Allies needed an alternative way to defeat Germany and the Central Powers.
The Allies decided that capturing Constantinople and defeating the Ottoman Empire, one of the Central Powers, was Their best course of action to gain the upper hand in the war.
They assumed the Ottomans would not offer much resistance, since the empire was in decline and their military was not as technologically advanced as the European armies.
Anyone who wanted to reach Constantinople via the Mediterranean Sea would have to pass through the Dardanelles Strait, which is adjacent to the Gallipoli Peninsula, and this was where the Allies planned to begin their attack.

The Gallipoli Campaign began in the early months of 1915, with the Allies launching a naval attack against the Ottoman fortifications along the Gallipoli Peninsula, however, Ottoman artillery and naval mines were able to sink many of the ships before they could do any significant damage to the coastal defenses.
The Allies now knew that if they were to defeat the Ottomans it would have to be on land, and so in April 1915, the Gallipoli landings commenced.
In the early morning, thousands of Allied soldiers, which included many men from Australia and New Zealand, climbed into small wooden rowboats and were sent ashore at various points along the peninsula.
Ottoman resistance in many areas was fierce and many of the soldiers were killed before they reached the shore, despite this, by the end of the day, all of the beaches where the Allies landed had been captured.
The initial success did not last however, as Ottoman reinforcements arrived and secured the hills above the coast, halting any significant advance by the Allies.
Fighting would continue in the following months, with neither side being able to achieve a decisive victory, until December, with their soldiers not much closer to Constantinople than when they first landed ashore, the Allies made the decision to cease their attacks at Gallipoli and evacuate the peninsula.

In the end, close to 60,000 Allied soldiers and an estimated 60,000-90,000 Ottomans soldiers lost their lives in the Gallipoli Campaign.

3rd photo in the summary credit: Bundesarchiv, Bild 183-S29571 / CC-BY-SA 3.0
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Another fantastic LEGO animation. Great work!


Another amazing animation. The Gallipolli Campaign was catastrophic for both sides. Anyone had no idea why were they fighting. Born as a Turkish, may all of the soldiers' (no matter if they are Ottoman or ANZAC or British) souls rest in eternal peace


Rest In Peace to all the British, Australians, New Zealanders, French and Turkish soldiers who fought and died at Gallipoli, lest we forget


This is awesome! I'm amazed how quickly you managed to get this out. The set looks amazing and the animation quality is as high as ever.


You know the both ironic and tragic thing about this video is that it basically sums up the whole Gallipoli experience for ANZACs: getting off of a beach.

Fantastic video by the way, well done!


Absolutely brilliant. It’s insane that this is a stop motion. Looks so fluid!! Great job again.


This is the first Lego stop motion video that I have seen on Gallipoli, thank you for these ANZAC troops deserved more. For an Aussie this means a lot.


The music really set a harrowing and forlorn tone to this one. Excellent job 👌. A truly great way to reinvigorate the telling of history


Honestly Gallipoli doesn’t get enough attention. It was a huge loss of life and why Churchill lost trust from so many British citizens, go look Gallipoli up, it’s interesting.


Beautiful animation and historical accuracy


As a New Zealander I was born to know all the facts and ANXAC day and all that, 2 of my faveroute Lego you tubers I watch have seen this and I’m so pleased amazing work, can’t wait for the next one!😮😮😮


brilliant! truly showed the futility of the Gallipoli Campaign. Again, great animation!


I think this is a really good representation of the Gallipoli campaign. I think it would be cool if you did the battle of berlin as well.


This animation reminds me of the Battlefield 1 campaign mission “The Runner” which starts on the second day of the landing on the beach and later has you be positioned as a runner it was a very great mission and one of my favorites


Vatana için ölen şehitlerimize mekanı cennet olsun


Your stop-motions are the most historically accurate that I’ve ever seen.


Your work is always the best. And the background music is perfect.


You do Awesome work! Don't ever let anything get in your way; just keep doing what we all come here for lol. The artillery was fantastic and the overall quality was superb!


This is the best lego war stop motion ive seen, may those who fell rest in peace


Love the ship designs! Animation was incredible as usual.
