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With XPlane 12 being a recent release for a $59.99 price tag, can this possibly be the next big thing in flight simulation? There are opportunities with the right partnerships who collaborate bringing more exciting addons to the sim.

With stunning visuals, flight dynamics, the new XPlane 12 promises to offer us a legacy over its predecessor with an overhauled graphics engine, advanced avionics, a more robust weather engine with realistic effects, water simulations for seaplanes and more!

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While I do have X-plane 11, I'm pretty certain for now I'll stick to MSFS


It looks good, but I've never had xplane, I'll stick with MSFS, I'm sure xplane could never match the scenery graphics, also MSFS is still improving every couple of months


MSFS has nothing to worry about at this point. I really hope XP continues to improve..I am sure they will.


Thanks SimFlightPro for your video on a new flight sim product. Really enjoyed it. The XPlane 12 marketing team are going to have a difficult job selling this product given the 2yrs we have all been amazed with MSFS (and its scenery) and the loads of purchases by sim plane enthusiasts. It might have a niche market given as you say this platform is more into "flight modelling, systems and behaviour." As you quite rightly say "let's wait and see what is in store for us."


X-Plane definitely needs orthos no matter the version, but I flew the Flight Factor 757 from Edinburgh to Keflavik and with ORBX GB TE and Iceland Orthos I was treated to some of the most stunning ground and cloudscapes i've seen in a long time. MSFS is fairly predictable with it's clouds and the ground textures are always slightly blurry at altitude, so a crisp looking simulator is always a welcome treat.


I'll keep my fine tuned with ortho4xp scenery XPlane 11 as I fly MSFS most of the time now. XPlane 12 should have been realeased for free as XPlane 11.8


What we need to see at least is better mesh. I'm severely disappointed with its current state, though that does not mean it has no potential to be the sim we all want it to be. It seems fantastic for instrument, which I plan to receive my IR by the end of the year, but when it comes to mesh... Man, what a lackluster attempt from the team. I don't need orthophotos, but just **something** with higher resolution. For instance, Digital Combat Simulator: World. They have done a phenomenal job with terrain mesh in their Caucasus region, and people may say "oh but Ten Ten, that's one area of the world." To that, I say, correct. The difference is that DCS doesn't have autogeneration, thus it is more workload for cities, objects, etc. If Laminar Research figured out a mesh generation system for each different biome/region of the world, I feel our notion of X-Plane as a community would be severely different.
Just my wishes personally. Otherwise, it is a good sim, with great potential. Sadly though, it currently feels like we are stuck in X-Plane 10.


I'm gonna keep flying MSFS. For me the pleasure of flying is both flying the aircraft in all kinds of conditions and enjoying the view. As a former flight attendant I really for the first time felt like I was really flying when looking out of the MSFS window. Never owned XP11 but the graphics in the video give me a FS2004/FSX feeling. I'm not going back to old style outside world for slightly better flight models.


Just upgraded from 11 to 12. At least it doesn't crash to desktop, or have cars that fly over underpasses, or balls of light over the roads at night, like in fs2020. LOL Looks a little better than 11, but the land class data could do with enhancement. My city is lacking any tall buildings. Just looks like one big residential area. But at least all our airports have all of their hangers, unlike FS2020. LOL Mind you, I do prefer the photogrametry in FS2020, but X-Plane 12 makes for an excellent fallback sim, when the photogrametry servers get bogged down, and so laggy that FS2020 reverts to it's awful excuse for autogen scenery. Thanks for sharing this.


I have both.. but I will mostly use MSFS for now...When xplane catches up in the eye candy area.. then we will have a competitor..but for now.. it needs lots of improvement.. Glad to see Toliss and Flightfactor and vmax doing small cost upgrades for this... I always said Xplane should work with Google and Google maps to compete against MS and Bing Maps.. but it is its own beast. I'm sure it will do very well eventually


The only reason i might want to go back to X-plane is to view my take-off / landing replays from tower view and the ease of using fly-by views. I simply loved it in X-plane. Does MSFS have this feature? I know there are some free addons but they cannot replay back the FBW aircraft or any aircraft with custom systems...Any ideas?


As a MSFS fan and also cinematic video maker . i would say MSFS stands out for me .but but but i love Xplane realism, traffic many other . but i would love them making graphic lil better .


So for the AI Aircraft what exactly have they done? Do they interact with the ATC now?


I’ve always seen X-plane as the instrument practicing platform. Detail is shown for flight modeling and equipment operation like a real plane. Kind of like DCS is where to go for highly detailed military platforms.
Neither of those do well if you want to go site seeing around the world. That seems like where MS2020 fits in.
I was using FS2 when it first came out because it was made for VR flying in VFR scenery. That sim was the first and best modeled for VR VFR flight. But the scenery was limited and they wanted you to buy the rest of the world… might as well buy Orbix for X-plane.
I still use different sim programs depending on the flight type I want to conduct. DCS is still fun, X-plane still has its place, and MS2020 is now my VFR VR sim… though I must admit, once I began to have addons… the frame rate began to freeze in VR for MS2020. I run high end computers in my sim room.
I avoid addons now.


Thanks for a great video, but no thanks. I'm gonnu stick with the MSFS for now. Nice 180 after touchdown, m8! I think we've all made that mistake in the sim at some stage. I have😁 Not in real life though. Difficult to do in a glider👍 Greetings from Norway♥♥♥


Just like msfs2000 I’ll come back and check it out in a couple of years. I do like the familiarity of it but I’ll stick to MSFS for now.


It is more like XP 11.6 + puddles add-on.


For those of you who have trouble with reading comprehension, read the following CAREFULLY

If obrx with their stellar photogrammetry scenery… or anyone else for the matter can;
A. Create scenery for the rest of the world (currently Orbx has 4 U.S. states covered and a handful of other world locations available on xp11)
B. Come up with a way of streaming that scenery to XP12 or compressing it to take up less space on our PC’s (the 4 U.S. states occupied about 1 tb on my 4 tb SSD)

XP12 will destroy MSFS.


Don’t waste your time or money on this. MSFS is still the benchmark in flight simulators


XP12 looks like slightly improve from XP11 with a price tag and bunch of bugs!! Performance is worse. A330 being featured has 737 FMC!!, What a load of crap! being on EA doesn't excuse it from criticism. I hope XP12 can better compete with msfs though, competition is always a good thing.
Alot of this BS claims about flight physics is better than on XP... Wonder what qualifies? It feels on on-rail scripted for sure for on XP, Weather, wind, drag, airport elevation and air density don't matter much on XP as it feels scripted with not much simulation at all.
XP12 seems still uses Blade element theory. This flight dynamics calculating tech is pretty old. Haven't found CFD visualisation option. P-Factor with Perf. Data on MSFS more accurate there.
