50 Proteus como mostrar caracteres en el terminal virtual echotypedcharacter
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Generalmente cuando se ingresan caracteres en el terminal virtual del Proteus, estos no se muestran y la pantalla esta negra. El procedimiento que se hace, para que muestre los caracteres en el virtual terminal se llama echo typed character y se activa haciendo clic derecho sobre la parte negra del terminal virtual y activando esta opción para que haga eco de lo que están escribiendo en el VT. Tiene que estar corriendo el programa Proteus en modo simulación o lo que es lo mismo en modo play.
Generally, when characters are entered in the virtual terminal of the Proteus software, they are not shown and the screen is black. The procedure that is done to display the characters in the virtual terminal is called echo typed character and is activated by right-clicking on the black part of the virtual terminal and activating this option, to echo the characters you are writing in the VT. The Proteus program must be running in simulation mode or what is the same in play mode.
Generally, when characters are entered in the virtual terminal of the Proteus software, they are not shown and the screen is black. The procedure that is done to display the characters in the virtual terminal is called echo typed character and is activated by right-clicking on the black part of the virtual terminal and activating this option, to echo the characters you are writing in the VT. The Proteus program must be running in simulation mode or what is the same in play mode.