Worst part about being a chunky monkey? 🙉

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I've been on the side of being way too skinny and being overweight (I will say the "obese" line is a little ridiculous). Can't say which one is actually worse, honestly. SO much judgement from people. I will say that people need to teach skinny people how to not just eat everything they want. They're going to get older and the chance of losing that "I can eat a whole box of hamburger helper and half a cake and lose weight while doing it" is going to happen and it sucks a lot.


Here’s another one:

When someone half your size says “i feel fat” in front of you. God that sucks

EDIT: that’s the most likes I’ve ever had


It’s crazy how much more comfortable clothes are when you are not overweight.


Another point id say is people bullying you and when you confront them they say that they're joking and also comments from random people like relatives you havent seen in years and the first thing they say is " Looks like someones gained some" when they themselves are also overweight.


The amount of candid photos/videos I see of myself and immediately think “is that how other people see me?” Especially when I’m next to someone who’s a regular size 😖


The fact that doctors often times won’t take you seriously. “My knee hurts” “well of course it does your overweight and don’t exercise” don’t even really take the time to look at it. I’ve been fat my whole life. I know what being fat feels like. I don’t go to a doctor because of every ache and pain I feel


I used to be overweight And I was always told "Well at least you're funny" Now my BMI is about 19.8 and now people think I'm pretty. I honestly felt sad


When someone double your size (usually a parent or a older relative) points out that you are fat.


The worst part about being overweight is the thoughts about being overweight. The worst part is going all day without food to “get skinny fast” and being so proud that you’re not eating and then having a small bite of something and not being able to stop. The worst part of being overweight is people telling you that you’re perfect or beautiful or enough when you know they only say that to make you feel better. The worst part about being overweight is the fact that yes, you are, indeed, under that calorie budget for the day, but you’ve gained two pounds just by breathing.
The worst part about being overweight, for me, is that I know I can change it, but something in me won’t budge. I know that if I cut enough calories, and I dedicate myself, I can be the person I’ve always dreamed of being. But nothing *ever* sticks.
Oh, and, a little perk that God decided to give me? I have the slowest metabolism on the goddamn planet. So much so that okay-to-eat food would probably be low on my list of priorities in a zombie apocalypse, because my metabolism is so slow.


When someone says "I'm so big back!" when getting more food, and you're sitting there like "I'm already on my second...", or when you know you're conventionally unattractive and have a crush, but you never tell them because you just *know* they'll reject you.


dreaming about your belly not sticking out is the happiest thought you can have


I was very overweight in middle school and I couldn't fit into clothes that other people my age were wearing and got mistaken for a teacher or staff almost every day because I had to wear either adult/business casual clothes or be uncomfortable all day and risking ripping my pants.


I hate when people go out of there way to tell them directly or indirectly they're fat. It's awful and I couldn't imagine saying things like that to another person.


I’d have to say it’s the fact that you could do so much to lose weight and it seems like nothing. Like yeah I know that’s how science works but it’s super frustrating. I’ve lost 40 lbs and I still look the same PLUS I still have like 60 lbs to go. If I was a lower weight, those 40lbs would’ve looked like night and day. It sucks


If someone skinny says your “overweight” or fat, just say that if there was a situation with no food, “I would be the one to last longer without it.”


I’m not even that overweight yet I still feel like this sometimes. Nearly 6’3, male, and 220 pounds (although it’s probably more accurately around 210)


The bulling, fake friends, fatphobic friends who don’t realize that their fatphobic, suicidal thoughts from the bullying and fake friends, being healthy but looking fat, and that one girl who dated you then broke up with you just because “your to heavy “while being fat themselves


Even as someone who is supper skinny all I get reminded of every day is that I’m “too skinny” people say I don’t look like I eat enough or that I should hit the gym. They’re is no perfect weight people just want to shit on other people for no reason.


People saying “ no, you’re beautiful” or “you are not fat”
Drives me up a wall


I used to be very overweight. Ever since year six I have been 70 kg, and I KNEW I was overweight and I was pretty sad. But I’ve stayed at 70 kg for the rest of my life so oh well 😭
